Ch. 1: The Day of Birth

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There was a certain planet that was different from the others in how it was shaped and the type of lifeforms that were there, it was called Homeworld and there lived the species of sentient rocks called GEMS who created constructs of humanoid bodies through hard light projections. The very first gems to be born were called DIAMONDS and they were considered to be not the just oldest amongst gems but also the sstrongest who ruled the planet.

But the youngest of them all, Pink Diamond was a bit immature according to their own way of acting but she wanted to be treated like one of them so they gave her a planet to colonize and make new gems to test her. What they didnt knew was that Earth had the potential to give some very extraordinary golden eggs.

In the main Kindergarten of the planet, the injectors were at work drilling into the planet and planting special elements into the ground that would grow into gems given time. It was a delicate procedure and only the best of the best could do it properly but not even the best could predict a small malfunction in a certain injector to transform into a "miracle" as some would see it.

The one responsible to watch the injectors for now was a Peridot with a square like hair style since they were more productive when it came to technology and logs about anything weird, but suddenly a few weird signatures were seen in her screen.

"Hmmm..this is weird, thats not suppose to hap-"

Then out of nowhere the injector started to tremble and shake, some of the components mixing wrongly.

"Aaah! No no no no no, what is going on?!" she said, quickly typing away on a console to fix the problem or stop the injector.

The screen results she was getting wasn't that good either since it looked nothing like she had ever studied before!

The chemicals and nutrients were extractes, mixed and then injected again wether she liked or not and be it a error in the system or fate playing a role, something new was taking shape.

Two somethings in fact as the mixed compounds were forcefully moving towards the the very center of the south wall of the Kindergarten!

"Diamond Clodding Dammit!" The Peridot said in anger. "I gotta push the emergency off sequence!"

She moved as fast as her hands could go, needing this mistake to stop before something bad happened! Too bad it was too late as she felt ac tremor rock the kindergarten, making the Peridot hold the console to stay stable.

"What was that?!" she asked in shock as another tremor shook the kindergarten!

All the other gems who were outside started to feel it too and curiosity took hold as they decided to stop what they were doing to go and check out what was the commotion all about.

The tremors were getting more and more frequent as the Peridot had shut down the injector but they didn't stop!

"What is happening?!" She screamed before seeing the cracks forming, going from the exact spot of the injector towards the south wall!

Jumping off the console, she ran to follow the cracks despite the tremors tripping her up!

"Hey look something is happening!" A random Amethsty said.

"It's so big!" A Ruby said, looking at it.

"What is it?" A skinny Jasper said.

The Peridot arrived at the wall to see it beginning to crack, crumble, yet also pull into two certain spots!

'Is this all just from two gems forming?!' she thought in shock.

"Everyone move out of there!" The peridot screamed.

Story Idea: The Crystal BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now