chapter 9 : satisfaction

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Mafuyu pov :

My brother came home late tonight, I decided to ask him what was up from the couch.

"Rui, what's wrong? You seem upset." I asked, looking at him whilst playing Mario cart on the TV.

"Nothing Mafu,I just gotta sleep.." He said, fake yawning after. I wasn't satisfied, so I went to his room a minute later. Slamming the door open,

"Rui! Tell me the truth! What's wrong?" I asked, actually concerned now. I could remember coming home like this in middle school, he turned away from me.

"It's nothing, Mafu. Do I have to tell you again?" He responded, quite rude. I sat on his bed, looking at him.

"Please tell me Rui, I need to know if you're okay.." He looked at me. He told me about what happened and how he wants his friends (Mizuki & Tsukasa) to get along.

"Also, Mafu. I think Mizuki would be a good addition for your group.!" He smiled brightly at me, I thanked him. Leaving his room so he can get changed and sleep.

When I reached my room, I got out of my school uniform and into my pajamas.

I went into the nightcord call, greeting K and Enanan.

"Good evening K, Enanan. My brother found us someone, their tag is Amia#*****. Apparently they can make clothes for us.

Rui pov :

I awoke to the sun coming through my curtains. I got changed into my uniform and went down stairs, Mafuyu was already awake. That was usual, she passed me a plat of toast with jam on.

"Rui, that Mizuki person. K and Enanan love them! Thank you so much!!"

She hugged me, this was the first time in years she showed affection to me.

"Awww, look at me two lovely teens getting along! After years of fighting, I've got this! Yay!" Our mother said teasingly, me and Mafuyu just ignored it and continued to talk.

Since Kamiyama opened 10 minutes after Miya girls today, I decided to walk Mafuyu.

When we got there, I waved 'bye' to her and ran to Kamiyama.

I saw Tsukasa, he looked exhausted and pale. Like he was sick,

"Tsukasa, what happened after practice? Are you okay?!" I said, hoping for a response.

"I was up all night studying, I have a test today.. On maths. I suck at maths yet get the best grades in the class."

I was shocked by this, I asked when the test was. He said it was in the afternoon.

"How about I help? During lunch, we can go through your notes! And just make sure you remember everything.." I had no idea why I said that, I took it all back.

"No, no! I take that back! I don't know why I said that!"

In the middle of my sentence, he nodded. He wanted to revise with me? My face went red. I ran to class, panting.

I calmed down after sitting down, waiting for the teacher.

When she came, I took out my notebook. Taking notes of the lesson, english. Once they were too my liking, I finished my assignment. Handing it in to my teacher, she complimented my work.

Once lunchtime hit, I waited for Tsukasa at the bench. He arrived 5 minutes later, apologizing.

"Sorry I'm late, I was held back by Ena and Akito." He looked quite upset, I decided to do what Mafuyu did to me last night. I looked him in his eyes, he went red.

"Tsukasa, you look upset. Tell me what's wrong, I want to know.."

He sat in silence, I hugged him tightly. Tears fell from his eyes, he hugged me too.

"Tell me what's wrong.. Please. Did Akito and Ena do something?"

He nodded his head, even more tears falling from his eyes onto my shoulder.

That's when I noticed a bruise, he told me everything on how Akito was still mad he rejected him. And how Ena tried to protect him from Akito, also getting hurt in the progress.

We quickly revised with our last 20 minutes of lunch break, Ena came up to us hugging Tsukasa.

"Are you okay? Akito got suspended for 4 weeks."

Tsukasa looked happy, he hugged Ena back.

"I'm so glad! Now student Council won't have to be seeing his report card every single meeting!" He said in joy, I felt left out until Ena noticed me.

"Oh, Kamishiro-san! Join us!" She hugged me tightly, that's when the bell went.

"I wish you luck for your test!"
I encouraged Tsukasa, as he walked away with Ena.

He looked back at me, giving me a bright smile. This gave me satisfaction.

What We Used To Be. {Kanamafu, Ruikasa}Where stories live. Discover now