chapter 3 : my first girlfriend.

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Mafuyu pov :

I was walking home with Rui when I saw K.

"K, it's me. YUKI.."

she turned around, the winter breeze blowing her her to one side.

"Hello, YUKI. You look a lot prettier in person.."

She just called me pretty! I blushed, Rui looking down at me.

"You okay, you look like a tomato and I'm going to end up running away from y--."

That's when Rui saw a short blonde boy with posture my level walk past.

He asked me to wait where I was, me and K overheard the conversation.

"Umh, Tsukasa. Would you like me to walk you home? It's getting dark soon."

"K, do you know that tsukasa?"

She responded

"Yes, he's in student council with me."

We quickly went back to the conversation.

"No thanks, but thanks for the offer Rui. Good evening!"

The blonde boy walked away, when Rui came back; his face was red like mine. We said bye to K and that's when it happened.

She kissed me on the cheek, then asked if I wanted to date her.

I agreed, Rui have a face of envy.

When we got home, I ran up to my bedroom. Rolling around in my bed, this was the happiest I've been in a while.

Rui came in to tell me dinner is ready like always.

"So mafuyu, how was your day?"

"It was amazing mum! I got a girlfriend!"

My mother congratulated me, then she asked Rui.

"Rui, how was your day? Did you meet someone special to you?"

"Y-yeah, they're really important to me. But not only to me of course! To the school as well!!"

"Fufu, Rui. I hope you can find love one day, like us. I'm so lucky I gave birth to the both of you~!."

Our mother stood up and kissed us mother on the cheek before heading to bed.

Rui finished his water and head upstairs as well.

Today was the best.

What We Used To Be. {Kanamafu, Ruikasa}Where stories live. Discover now