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i was sat on the couch looking through my phone until i got a text from my mum,


hey honey, want to come over and maybe go out somewhere

of course i'll be there soon

you can bring jordan and oakley can come too

ok i'll ask oakley if he can come, be there soon love you ❤️

love you too ❤️

i got up and went into the kitchen to get some more coffee, and went back into the living room and sat down next to cench and put my head on his shoulder

'do you want to come with me to my mums?'
'yeah sure, what time are we going'
'now if that's alright, i'm just going to get jordan's stroller'
'ok i'll just get my shoes on'

i get up and go into the garage to get jordan's stroller and folded it up so it could fit into the car. after i folded it up i went back into the living room and noticed that jordan was gone. i quickly ran outside and saw that oakley was putting him in his baby seat in the car, i sighed in relief and locked the door and went into the car.


we are on our way now

ok, i was thinking of going shopping if you want 😁

yeah that would be nice i'll see you soon, love you ❤️

love you too ❤️

after around 20 minutes we got to my mums house and i got out and went to grab jordan, i unbuckled him from his seat and picked him up. i walked to the door and rang the doorbell. cench locked the car and walked up to me, my mum opened the door and welcomed us with a warm hug.

'omg i'm so happy to see you guys' my mum said while hugging us
'we are happy to see you too mum'

we walked inside and i gave jordan to my mum because she hasn't seen him since he was 1 month old. we all went into the living room and sat down to catch up because we haven't seen my mum in a month.

after around an hour of catching up, my mum suggested to go shopping, we got up and got into the car and cench drove us to the shopping centre. my mum lived around 5 minutes from the shopping centre so we weren't in the car for long.

we got to the shopping centre, as soon as we parked i got out and went to get out the stroller, my mum got jordan out and oakley helped me unfold the stroller.
my mum gave me jordan, he started crying so i held him in my arms trying to calm him down.

he finally calmed down and was now slowly falling asleep, i put him in his stroller and we went inside. my mum wanted to go into TKmaxx first, we went in and i walked of into the baby section and decided to get a little blanket for jordan. i paid for the blanket and went to go find my mum and oakley

i found my mum looking at some makeup and i asked her where oakley was and she told me that he went to look for me so i decided to text him,


i'm with my mum looking at makeup

ok i'll be there soon

alright love you ❤️

love you more darling ❤️

any suggestions please comment them, please vote, hope you like this story so far x

as long as you love me - central cee حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن