J High school

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Few days have passed since then and today was the day when Johan was going to attend the J high school for the first time.

Johan had already enrolled there with help from Eugene who crafted the perfect fake documentation for Johan to join the school.

Currently Johan was at his old house, though he lives there for reasons beyond comprehension despite having far better places to call home.

Maybe that place stirs memories or mere nostalgia in his soul.

Anyway, Johan gazed at his reflection in the mirror and exclaimed, "Look at how far we've come!"

"I used to wear the same threads for weeks on end but now I scarce recall wearing the same outfit twice!" Johan declared with a radiant smile while admiring his prized timepiece.

Johan finally dressed in his dazzling new uniform and felt ready to embark on this new adventure.

Johan bubbled with excitement to go to school, He didn't even tell Zack or Mira about it, It was sure to be a delightful surprise for them.

After preparing with utmost care, Johan finally left his abode for his splendid new school and reached the hallowed halls of Jae Won High.

"This place is splendid, I couldn't fully appreciate its grandeur during the festival" Johan proclaimed while walking through the gates as students stared in awe.

First, they had never seen his like before and second, he sported the finest accessories mere mortals could only dream of plus He was utterly adorable.

A bevy of maidens gathered around Johan as he strode past, cooing,

"Gaze upon him!"

"Who might he be?"

"Have you any knowledge of him?"

"Nay, But he seems utterly kissable, I could pinch his cheeks all day!"

The maidens exclaimed and Johan overheard their praises, smiling before continuing his joyous march towards the school.

Johan strode towards the hallowed halls of learning but some had already noticed his radiant presence and were less than pleased, especially the ruffians of Burn Knuckles whose nefarious leader Vasco still bore the wounds of Johan's triumph on festival day.

Meanwhile Johan finally reached his classroom, the fashion department, his heart overflowing with delight.

Meanwhile Johan finally reached his classroom which was the one he asked for, The fashion department! The fashion department classroom was bursting with excitement as the teacher proudly announced, “We have a new transfer student today!”

The whole fashion department looked at each other with eager faces, Daniel park was the most thrilled of all, he would finally get to make a new best friend. While Zack lee didn’t care less, Mira and Johan were the only friends he needed. And Jay hong was usually silent, but his eyes were shining with delight today.

Random students whispered excitedly, “Transfer? This late in the year?”

“Is it a guy or a girl?”

As the teacher turned to usher the new student in, they cried out, “Come on in!”

The door slid open with a flourish and in walked Johan Seong, the transfer student! “Hello everyone, I’m Johan Seong!” Johan said with a bright, innocent smile. The students gasped, he was gorgeous!

“He’s adorable!”

“He’s even taller than Zack lee, maybe taller than Daniel too!"

“And such long hair, he’s perfect!”

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