Return Of The Androids: A Deep Dive Into The Past

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Author's Note:
[Heyyy, member me? Hopefully you do, if not that's alright, and if you're a completely new reader, welcome.]

[This is the sequel to a previous "book" I made if you could even call it that. This time I plan on making it a fleshed out story though, so that'll be fun.. maybe some lemon too if you're all still interested in that sort of thing.]

We'd zoom in on our protagonist, Y/N for the first time in a long while. It looked like he was training with Android 18, flying through the air. It was clear that 18 was still stronger by a large margin but Y/N was able to hold out against the fierce kicks and blasts that she dealt out. Despite the intense training Y/N still had his signiture dumbass smile plastered across his face, clearly enjoying the thrill.

Y/N P.O.V.

After receiving an especially brutal kick, you flew back, barely able stabilize yourself mid-air. You were still getting used to the whole flying thing. You Were breathing heavily, gathering your Ki in your right hand, forming a ball. You smirked, having worked on this technique secretly whenever you had free time alone....which was almost never due to 18 being very....attention hungry. You looked towards her, your girlfriend, Android 18 with ki orb in hand.

Y/N: "Strong as ever..."

You'd say breathlessly, she seemed to take your breath away quite often, in several ways.

Y/N: "I've been preparing this for you though, as a little tell me, how does my Buster Cannon taste?!"

You'd yell out as you thrusted your right hand forward, that Ki ball you had in your hand would burst outward into a large F/C one-handed beam.

Android 18 looked surprised, though her surprised expression quickly turned into her usual smirk as she stood there with her hand up, shooting out a large 'Big Bang Attack'-like orb which clashed with your beam before it began slowly pushing it back. After a bit of struggle your beam would disperse, causing the orb to head towards you, though right before it hit you it exploded. It cartoonishly covered you in black, lighting a bit of your hair on fire. After putting out the small fire that started in your hair and wiping away the soot that covered you you'd hear 18 begin chuckling.

Android 18: "Ah what a shame, I though you'd look good bald~"

She'd say teasingly as she approached you, wrapping her arms around your neck as she leaned against you.

Android 18: "Looks like you've gotten a bit better at controlling your Ki, huh? I think you deserve a little reward for getting a little bit stronger~"

She'd say with a smirk as she leaned forward, kissing your cheek. You'd smile, softly wrapping your arms around her waist, giving her a warm hug as she did so. Not too long after you'd unwrap your arms. For a moment you began thinking about the current situation and what lead you here, to this..relationship of yours with an Android who's killed thousands of your kind.

You remember climbing out of some rubble, trying desperately to survive when suddenly there she was, talking to her brother about what to do with you. That day she picked you up on a whim, as if you were her plaything, and at first you were...though it quickly sprouted into something more as the two of you spent more time together. After that day at that 2 story house out in the middle of the woods (If YKYK) things moved quickly, you were able to get her to stop going around killing people and she eventually was able to get 17 to quit too.

Future Chances (Android 18 x Male Reader Pt. 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora