He always talked to me in a short and dry tone, making me wonder if I did something to bother him. I had wondered this for the past 2 summers, but never said anything.

"Well, now or never." I said under my breath.

"What?" Ford asked.

"Oh, nothing. Well, actually, I have a question." I braced myself for the answer before I even asked.

"Depending on the question I may have an answer." Ford said, setting down the suitcase he had in his hand.

"Did I do something, when I first came here?" I questioned.

"I'm sure you did a lot of things. What exactly are you asking me?" Ford said, looking less annoyed now and more confused.

"You always talk to me like I've pissed you off, so what did I do?" I looked down after I finished talking, embarrassed by my own question.

"Forgive me for that." Ford replied, his response startling me a bit.

"I'm not the most trusting person. I know the kids and Stanley love you, but I haven't interacted with you as much as they have."

"Well, if you would've just asked, we could've hung out or something." I pointed out.

"I don't do 'hanging out'. I spend most of my time making things or playing D,D,& More D." He shrugged.

"Huh. I.. actually love that game." I laughed softly.

"You do?" Ford looked at you, almost smiling.

"Yeah. You'll have to play with me sometime, I'd love to beat you at it." I smiled.

"Well, now I have to prove you wrong, so I'd love to play you." Ford nodded before picking up the luggage and walking towards the shack, motioning for me to come too.

Me and Ford set down all the luggage in the twins' room, at least the suitcases that were their's. The 3 suitcases I had brought along somehow all managed to be in Ford's pile.

"I didn't think Mabel was into astrology. Actually, I didn't think Dipper was either." Ford said, staring at my astrology themed suitcase.

"That's, uh- actually- mine.." I laughed nervously.

"Hm." Ford looked at me and back at the suitcase before picking it up and walking toward the "secret" bedroom I was given 2 summers ago.

"You know, astrology is really cool. You don't have to judge it." I said defensively, carrying my other 2 suitcases to the room behind him.

Ford set my suitcase down by my bed and looked at me, his expression deathly serious. I felt your face heating up as I got more and more nervous, afraid I had offended him.

"I wasn't judging it. I think astrology is cool." He smiled at me.

He SMILED at me. Stanford Pines S M I L E D at me. I wasn't sure why that made me so happy, but it did.

"I think you're cool." The words escaped my mouth before I even knew what was happening.

Ford burst out into laughter and said "I really can't tell if that's meant to be insulting or not."

"It's a compliment, I think. I'm not too sure myself." I laughed with him.

"Well in that case, I guess you're cool. Ish." Ford sighed gently as he stopped laughing.

"Awh come on, why just "Ish"?" I asked.

Ford's expression went back to serious, and I frowned in response.

"I told you. I don't trust people easily." He said.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad at that sentence, which I obviously didn't hide very well.

"But, I'm sure I'll get there." Ford added, stepping closer to me.

I looked up, realising I had been staring at the ground for a while.

"I won't stop until you do." I smiled and laughed a bit, hoping Ford would think I was joking.

Ford laughed in response and said his goodbyes to me as he walked away, leaving me in that room, all alone. I got up and opened one of my suitcases, picking up a journal I started making my first year here. It was all about the crazy paranormal activities I encountered and also partly a diary I had been keeping.

I'm still not really sure how to start these entries out, much less write them, but here goes. I still don't really know what Ford's deal is, but I made him laugh. He actually smiled at me today. I'm honestly super determined now to get him to like me, just because I don't think he wants to. Anyway, see ya later journal. Or, diary. I don't even know. Byeeee!

I set my pen down and put the journal in the drawer of my nightstand before looking at my other suitcases. I decided I would unpack those later, for now I was going to go say hi to all my friends.

~Problem Solver~ (Stanford Pines x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now