⭐Chapter 2: A New Threat to Soccer ⭐

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Fact: All the managers/girls names in Inazuma Eleven GO are associated with the colors. In this case Yukari means, "purple or Violet." Her dub name is Amber Violetstar.

After school, I went to School soccer field and saw the team playing soccer. Just watching them play make me so happy. It's look like their having so much fun. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey there Afuro-kun, you look happy watching them play." I look up and saw Otonashi-sensei.

"Yeah they're having so much fun." I said.

"Are you interesting in joining the club as a manager?" She asked.

"Manager? Actually I do want to join the club but as a player." I said and she was shocked.

"Do you play soccer?" I nod. "Come with me. Let me introduce you to the coach of Raimon Soccer club, Endou Mamoru."

"Endou Mamoru? Ehhhhh?" I can't believe this, the legendary goalkeeper of Inazuma Japan is their coach. I heard a lot about him from my nii-san.

"Yes" I nod excitedly and after taking last glance at the team, I followed Otonashi-sensei to the club room.

"Endou-san." Sensei yelled getting the attention of a man with brown hair and eyes and a orange headband with a goggle man. Is he the genius playmaker of Inazuma Japan? I think yes.

Wow! This is the best day of my life. I thought.

"This girl want to join the soccer club as a player. Her name is Afuro [Y/n]."

"Afuro?!!!" They both said in unison.

"Are you Aphrodi's relatives?" Goggle man asked.

"Yes, he's my nii-san." I replied as they nod.

"So [Y/n], tell me do you love soccer?" Endou-kontaku asked.

"Yes it's my dream to join the Raimon soccer club and become a strong player. I also want to play soccer with the rest of team so I can find good friends and play the game I love." I said excitedly with a fist in the air. He chuckled.

"Yeah sure. You seem energetic and have a lot of confidence." Endou said giving me a grin and I grin back with a wink.

"Yes, welcome to the team. I'm the trainer of Raimon soccer club, Kidou Yuuto. Got yourself ready for a hard training. Your training menu won't be easy just because you're a girl." Trainer Kidou said. I nod.

"Hai! I'm ready for hard training. So excited!" My eyes sparkled at the last sentence.

"Very well. Haruna can you call the rest of the team here?" Coach said.

"Hai!" She said running out of the room.

~3rd Person~

After sometime, the whole team arrived at the club room.

"Everyone, Afuro [Y/n] will be joining the team as a player. She played as a--" Coach stopped because he forgot to ask you what position you play. He turned to you.

"What position do you play?" He asked with a sweatdrop. "Forgot to ask you before."

"Well forward is what I'm best at but I can also play as a Midfielder." You respond.

"Welcome to the team, [Y/n]-chan, I'm so looking forward to play with you." Tenma said excitedly. You smile at with closed eye making him blush.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see your skills." Shinsuke said.

"How about we have a practice match? So we can see how good are you!" Shindou said.

"Fine, sounds good to me." You said as you changed your outfits into Raimon uniform. (Like Touko in Inazuma Eleven) which kind a shocked the team.

"How did she get the uniform?" You heard Aoi asked the other managers.

"I'm ready." You said excitedly.

"Alright Minna, let's go the field. " Endou said as all of us went to the field. Coach Endou divides player into two teams which was, Team A: You, Tsurugi, kariya, Hamano, kirino and shinsuke. Team B: Tenma, Shindou, Hikaru, Yukari, Amagi and Sangoku. The rest was just watching.

Aoi blew the whistle. The match begins. You score the first goal using "God knows." Which you learned from your nii-san.

"Wow, that was awesome, how did you do that?" Tenma asked as ran towards you. You flips your just like Aphrodi.

"It's a secret, captain." You winked at him before going back to your position.

"Sugoi (wow!) she's good." You heard the managers says about you. You smirk.

The team was shocked and impressed. The match ended with a 2-2 scores. After the match, pink hair girl came towards you. You smiled at her.

"You're not the only girl player now because I'm here to company you, senpai." You said smiling at her. "You're really pretty."

"What?!" She looked confused. "I'm not a girl." He/she said making you confused. You looked behind a saw a certain prankster laughing at your statement. "I'm a boy." He said blushing.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just that you have really pretty hair so um I thought, sorry." You said blushing.

"It's okay and btw my name is Kirino Ranmaru." He said. After that Coach Endou name all the club members and you smiled at them. You were chatting with the team members, when Endou and Kidou were talking about something. They turned to all of you.

"Minna we need you to practice hard and become stronger. Because there's a new and big threat to soccer than fifth sector. " Coach Endou said.

"Huh?" The team said.

"The dark Agency, a company who want to destroy youth soccer world. They have five teams who are challenging the other schools." Trainer Kidou said.

"They have already defeated many schools in Japan and destroyed their soccer club." Haruna said.

"And I think we, Raimon, are their next victims. So you need to work hard from now to defeat those team." Coach Endou said.

"A company who is using soccer to destroy soccer?" Shindou asked. They nod.

"We can't let them do that, Minna we'll train hard and defeat those dark Agency." Tenma Captain said.

"Hai!" The team yelled and after that it was getting late so everyone left to go their homes.

Your Life at Raimon! ||Inazuma Eleven GO|| [Tsurugi x Reader x Taiyou x Various]Where stories live. Discover now