⭐Chapter 1: First day at Raimon⭐

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(The Picture above is my OC BTW, if you're wondering. Enjoy Minna!)


​​​~Reader's POV~

I was running toward Raimon Jr high. It was my first day and I don't want to be late.

Ugh Almost there,

I thought and stopped near a big building, I grin widely.

"AT LAST, I'M HERE." I yelled causing several people to look and my direction. I blushed with embarrassment and keep walking. I saw a woman with blue hair and eyes.

"Excuse me." I said getting her attention.

"I'm Otonashi haruna, Are you a new transfer student? [Y/n]?--"

"Hai, I'm [Y/n], Afuro [Y/n]." I said smiling but she looked shocked at hearing my last name.

"Afuro? Your surname is Afuro?" She asked confused.

"Hai! Is there any problem with that?" I asked.

"No, here's your timetable and locker key, your locker number is 46." She said giving me timetable and locker key.

"Arigatou gozaimasu, (thank you!), I should be going now, Otonashi-sensei." I said walk away to find my class. Once I got there, the sensei introduced me to the whole class.

"Minna-san (everyone!) We have a new transfer student, she was a student at kidokawa seishuu, you can come in now." I entered the class, nervously. I waved at them.

"Hello there, I'm Afuro [Y/n], I hope we all can get along, please take good care of me." I said bowing.

"She's pretty."

"Look at her beautiful blonde locks."

"I hope she's still single."

"I'm sure we can be great friends."

After hearing those whispers, I blush slightly. I hope I can find good friends here.

"Afuro-san, please take a seat behind Matsukaze." The sensei said as I saw a boy with crazy brown hair and grey eyes raised his hand.

"Yes sir." I make my way toward him and sit behind him. The teacher start the lecture. Usually I sit mostly near the window since no one at my old school liked me and I was alone because they all jealous of my beauty. I looked by the window and saw a boy with navy blue pointy hair and orange eyes. His eyes remind me of sunset. I swear I could lost in them. He looked at me and I looked at the board, blushing.

'Great, now he probably think I'm a weirdo.' I thought. Suddenly something hit me, it was a paper note. I opened it and start reading it.

~Hey, I'm Kariya Masaki, I saw you this morning, I was just wondering if you like spiders?~

I was confused why would he ask me that question and of course, I hate spiders but that's just weird. I looked behind a saw a blue haired guy with weird golden-brown eyes. He smile innocently. Beside him was a sweet boy with purple hair and brown eyes. I smiled at him and he blush and nervously smile back.

Anyway, after my class, I went to my locker. I saw a girl with light purple hair in two ponytails standing there. She has dark purple eyes and she was smiling at me.

"Hey you must be [Y/n]. My name is Hoshiko Yukari. But you can call me Yukari. Okay?" I nod at her.

"Hey you wanna join the soccer club? I'm also a part of soccer club. I'm sure the team would love to have a new manager, what you say?" She asked as I thought a bit.

I do want to join the soccer club but as a player. I just hope they don't have a rule like my old school.

"U-um I'll think about it, thanks Yukari-chan." I smiled at her.

"Yukari-chan, let's go we're gonna be late for soccer practice." I heard someone say. I saw a girl with short blue hair and blue eyes.

"Hai, take your time Afuro-kun, you're always welcome to join the club." She said.

"Thanks." I said as blue head smile at me.

"I'm Sorano Aoi, nice to meet you, Afuro-san." She said.

"Nice to meet you too, Sorano-chan."

"It's okay, call me Aoi." She said.

"Well Aoi, feel free to call me [Y/n] as well." She smiled at me.

"Shinsuke, Sakka Yarouze (Let's play soccer!)." I heard a very Cheerful voice.

"Hai!" Another voice said. They both stopped and looked at me.

"Hey there Afuro-kun, I'm Matsukaze Tenma, nice to meet you."

"And I'm Nishizono Shinsuke, nice to meet you."

"Hi Tenma and Shinsuke! It's nice to meet you too. "

"Hai! Guys let's go the practice start in few minutes." Aoi said looking at her watch.

"Let's go guys." Yukari said excitedly as she ran with Tenma and Shinsuke but then they stopped.

"Ah!" Tenma and Shinsuke said. "Oh and if you want to join the soccer club you can come too, [Y/n]-chan." Tenma said making me blush.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I said.

"Take your time, [Y/n]--san." Shinsuke said as I waved at four of them and they ran. I opened my locker to put my books in it. But there were so many spiders in it. I scream. I saw two guys approach me, one was Kariya and other was a girl with two pink pigtails with blue eyes. She is pretty.

Oh so that's why he asked me if I liked spider.

"Daijobodesu? (Are you okay?)." The girl asked me. I shook my head and point at my lockers. Kariya snickered as the girl scolded him.

I bet she's his girlfriend!, I thought.

"Sorry about him." She said but her voice look like a guy speaking.

"It's okay, senpai." I said. Kariya took his spiders and put them in his pockets.

'Oh so they were fake.' I sighed in relief as they both went saying they have soccer practice. This school isn't so bad after all. I think they also take girls as players in soccer club since that cute pinky said she had practice.


Here's the first chapter. Hope you like it. Sorry for the Grammer/spelling mistakes.

Kirino: Auther-chan why did you say cute pinky, you know I'm not a girl.

Me: Oh don't worry Kirino, the reader mistaken you as a girl.

Kirino: *blushes* I don't look like a girl, am I Shindou?

Shindou: *shrugs* maybe.

Kirino: Hey what's that supposed to mean?

Shindou: Well when I first met you, I also thought you were a girl.

Kirino: Seriously Shindou, you're insanely crazy like our cute readers who thought that I am a girl.

Me: Aren't Insane and Crazy the same thing. *Put a hand under my chin* Anyway when I first watch Go series I never mistaken you as a girl.

Kirino: *sighed in relief* At least someone didn't mistaken me as a girl.

Shindou: Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter, Minna-san.

Me: Hey that was my line.

Kirino: Stay tuned for next chapter, until then take care. *Waves at you*

Me: Hey, that was also my line and now you hadn't left anything for me to say. *Pout*

Shindou and Kirino: *sweatdropped* She's insanely crazy.

Bye Minna-san!

Your Life at Raimon! ||Inazuma Eleven GO|| [Tsurugi x Reader x Taiyou x Various]Where stories live. Discover now