He looked over my dress clad body and smiled slightly. The dress was black and was an off the shoulder long dress with a pluging neckline that showed off my tattoo of the moon phases that went down my stomach from my underbreasts. It had a slit that went to my hip. If I made one wrong move then I'd be giving everyone a show. I think that is Eric's whole point. I was wearing a set of red 3 inch heels that matched his shirt and Tori had my hair in a nicely styled bun and a smokey eye looked. She finished it with a red lip.

"You like?" Tori asked Eric as she turned me a circle for him to see everything.

"I love." He whispered and smirked at me. I blushed but still confused if he even wanted me here.

"I'd hope so. It only took two hours for her to look this good." Tori snipped with a smirk.

"She doesn't need two hours to look that good." Eric smiled as he walked towards me. He lifted his hand for me to take and pulled me towards him. He kissed my cheek quickly and I sighed. His warmth brought me so much comfort.

"Let's go baby doll." He said and winked at me as he pulled me towards the door. He grabbed a black shawl from the dress bag and drapped it around me.

"Did you know that your parents are throwing this party?" I asked as We walked to the car that was waiting for us.

"Yes. I am sorry for this morning I had found out last night and I spent most of last night fighting with Max to make someone else go." Eric whispered as the car drove us to Erudite.

"He knows what they put you through right?" I asked and grabbed his hand. His rough hands were warm and I rubbed my thumb across the back of it.

"Yes. He was the one who told me that I needed to tell you after we got together." He mumbled and he seems to start going into himself as we start to pull up to Erudite.

"Hey. You are Eric Coulter. You got to Leadership your first year in Dauntless. You are one of the most feared people in Dauntless. And the love of my life. So you are going to get out with your head held high and show these people that they don't matter. Not to Dauntless. Not to me. Not to you." He smiled at me and helped me out of the car.

He wrapped his arm around me and guided me up the stairs of Erudite. Eric had his usual scowl on and this time I matched him. If we are going to get through this night then It will need to be a united fight.

The big room was cammed with all kind of of colors. You can tell the Erudites from everyone else because they are have their glasses on fake or not they look stupid. The candor have some kind of of black and white decorations on their outfits. And obviously the Abengation were in dull grey suits or dresses while Amity were in bright yellow outfits. All heads turned to us as they watched us walk int. It was rare one dauntless leader came but thankfully the dress  showed my Dauntless leadership tattoos. So everyone made way for us as we walked up to Jeanine. She was in a Bright blue long dress and her blonde hair was pulled up in her usual bun.

"Ah. Eric. I didn't realize you were coming tonight. Who is this?" Jeanine asked looking at me in almost disgust.

"This is my girlfriend Y/N. She has been a leader for about a year." He said and I reached out to shake her hand. She shook my hand slightly and pulled away quickly.

"Can I steal you for a second Eric?" An erudite men came up and grabbed his arm. He looked at me and I just nodded. Eric kissed my forehead quickly before letting me go and following the Erudite man Jeanine followed them and I was alone. I looked around and found the bar. I walked to it and ordered a glass of whiskey.

"So, you are the girl the captured my lovely sons heart?" I heard a females voice say. I turned an a tall women in a blue dress that had some of Eric's features and a man that was in a black suit with blue highlights stood next to her.

"Um, I guess. You must be Mr. and Mrs. Coulter. I am Y/N. You have raised a lovely son." I said and held my hand out of them to shake.

"If only he had stayed here. He would have done great things." Mrs. Coulter said. I was taken aback. He was a dauntless leader that was very hard to come by.

"He is doing great things. He got a leadership position in his first year of being a dauntless. That is almost unheard of." I snipped downing my whiskey and slammed the glass down.

"He was never ment for dauntless. He was ment to be here." Mrs. Coulter.

"He is one of the best dauntless leaders. He cares for every one and he is the best fighter, the best security hacker we have. He was made to be a dauntless leader. If you will excuse me. I have to go find Eric." I snipped and turned away from them.

"Please. Tell us more about the disappointment that is my son." Mr. Coulter said which stopped me in my track.

"The only disappointment I see if the two people who physically and emotionally abuse my boyfriend." I growled not caring who heard.

I turned away again when I felt a hard hand grab my arm and I immediely turned around and shoved Mr. Coulter back and yanked my arm away. He turned his hand on me and it looked like he was going to back hand me.

"You will pay for this." He yelled and went to smacked me. Before I could reach my hand out to stop him I saw Eric appear to at my side and his hand stopping his fathers.

"Ah Son. What a lovely surprise,"

 "You fucking touch her again I will kill you." Eric growled shoving his hand away from us and turned around to observe me. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine. I promise." I told him and grabbed his hand and place it on my face. It was our thing because it brought him comfort.

"You can't just threaten me." Mr. Coulter yelled behind Eric. Eric turned and glared at his father.

"When it comes to her I would kill Max if he touched her wrong. So, if you even look at her again you will be dead before you hit the fucking ground." He threatened before taking my arm and all but dragging me out of the building.

"I love you." I said and pulled him to a stop. He looked at me confused and just leaned into me and kissed me.

"I love you. Now I need to get you home and out of this dress."  Eric said and pulled to the car. I laughed knowing what tonight is will be long and eventfull.

Eric Coulter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now