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3rd Person POV:

The next day had gone by smoothly. The weather was great, the sun shining in the way that Taehyung loved, making the ocean and sky look extra blue.

He was sat in a beach chair with Yoongi and Hoseok. The others were all out in the sun doing things.

Namjoon was looking for crabs with Aerum. Jin had Miso and was standing on the shore line with her. Jungkook and Jimin were playing volleyball behind them.

No one had bothered any of them so far and the day had no unexpected turns so Taehyung was happy.

He was talking a little with Yoongi and Hoseok but they started to get into their own world after a while. They were seated in the same beach chair. Yoongi was in between Hoseok's legs, leaning against his chest as they sat in a comfortable silence.

Taehyung had started to feel a little bored. He looked over and Jungkook and Jimin slapping the ball back and forth and it looked fun, but he didn't feel like getting sweaty at that moment.

He reached in his bag and pulled out his futuristic phone. All this time, he was curious but never checked, he had been wanting to look at all of their photos together. He was worried it would spoil something, but the curiosity got the best of him.

He opened the 'Photos' app and started to look over each photo.

He wasn't surprised at how many were of him and Jungkook or just Jungkook alone or with their daughters. It was all pictures of his future family.

He scrolled up a bit and found some of him and Jungkook in more intimate positions. He blushed before scrolling past those.

He found some of him and Jungkook with a girl. She looked younger than us, but it was someone Taehyung had never seen before.

He scrolled up further and found some of Jungkook in a large Football field. He was smiling, holding a big trophy. Taehyung smiled, putting together that maybe Jungkook's dream does come true. He didn't think about it anymore and moved on.

He scrolled up to find pictures of Miso and Aerum when they were much younger. Miso looked like she had just been born. Taehyung was so excited to let his life play out to get to this point.

He was enjoying their time here, but now he wanted to experience how they got here. It doesn't feel fair.

He kept scrolling up until he got to the top. He found a few photos of his Eomma that he had never seen before. He clicked on them and studied them closely. He really did miss her.

"I'll get back to you, mama." He mumbled to himself.

He scrolled further up finding a few old photos of him as a baby with his Appa, bringing a wide smile to his face. He really missed his Appa too.

He scrolled further and found a photo that made his heart swell. It was a picture of his Eomma and Jungkook. She was cupping his cheeks as they looked at each other with wide smiles and adoring eyes. It was something that made Taehyung miss his Eomma more.

He stared at it for a while. He really wanted to see them meet. He found a few more photos of them together. They both looked so happy in them. Taehyung found some of him with Jungkook and his parents. He knew what Jungkook's mom looked like and she hadn't changed much from when they were younger. He saw what he assumed was Jungkook's Appa with his arm around his shoulder. It was crazy to see himself in situations that hadn't happened yet for him, but then again, he was living in one right now.

He scrolled up more and found some of them from what looks like the two in high school.

"We get together in high school... his hair is long." Taehyung mumbled as he zoomed in on Jungkook's face.

He saw multiple photos of them kissing and hugging. He saw so many of them with all their Hyungs. He wanted to experience all these memories.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, he turned off the phone and slid it back in his bag. Now he just wanted to go back home.

He looked back to find Jungkook, but they weren't playing volleyball anymore. He looked around the beach to find him and he found him in the water with Miso. Miso was in his arms. She was giggling and squealed every time a wave crashed against her Appa's back.

Taehyung smiled at the heart-warming sight. It made him think of his Appa.

He decided to join them in the water. He stood up taking off his hat and sunglasses. He made his way to the shore and walked into the warm water.

They weren't very far as Miso was too young to go far out.

When he reached them Miso was squealing at the waves.

"Make another one, Daddy!" She giggled.

"One is already on it's way, baby." He said. A small wave suddenly crashed against Jungkook's back making him let out a fake groan. Miso laughed so hard. It was such an endearing moment that Taehyung almost felt like he was interrupting.

Those thoughts vanished when Miso noticed her Mama next to them.

"Mama! Daddy is getting attacked by the waves! Watch! Watch!" She squealed and bounced in Jungkook's arms.

Taehyung giggled as he walked in the waist deep water to the duo.

"I'm watching!" He said with a big smile.

Another wave crashed on Jungkook making Miso laugh again. She looked over at Taehyung with a wide smile, giggles falling from her mouth.

She was such an angel, Jungkook and Taehyung both agreed about that.

Taehyung kneeled down in the warm water to try to relax his muscles. As his head was just above the water, he closed his eyes. Not thinking much but the lingering thoughts of his parents.

Suddenly, his head was crashed with a wave, his head completely going underwater. It shocked him so he quickly raised himself out of the water. When he surfaced he heard his daughter's and his husband's laughter. He looked over to find them both giggling at his misfortune.

"The wave attacked Mommy too!" Miso laughed until her face was red.

They played in the water for a while before Miso got tired. She made grabby hands for her mama who Jungkook gently handed her to as they both looked at her with adoring eyes.

"Wanna go sit with the others?" Taehyung asked her as he kissed her head.

She nodded as her head fell to his exposed shoulder.

Jungkook smiled as he looked at the duo. He followed behind them as they walked out of the water and up to the chairs.

Jungkook admired Taehyung's body in the new swimsuit. He still couldn't believe he got to marry him.

Jungkook walked to the chair Taehyung was previously sitting on and sat down.

Taehyung grabbed a water out of the cooler, supporting Miso with his other hand who rested in his arms.

He walked over and sat on the chair in front of Jungkook.

"Lean back, babe. You should rest too." Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung by his waist flush against his chest.

Taehyung chuckled a bit at the bunny boy but didn't protest.

He leaned back on Jungkook's chest and rested his head against Jungkook's shoulder.

"I've been sitting all day, I think I'm rested." He mumbled as he looked up at his "husband."

"Hmm, you've been in the sun though, that's enough to drain you." Jungkook defended.

"Right." Taehyung said with a teasing smile.

They laid together and talked to the hyungs while Miso rested, both enjoying their day thoroughly.

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