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Tw: mention of kidnapping, pregnancy, abandonment and death

The sorrow clone walked in the house full of dismembered bodies. it was dark inside the building, He walks in along with the Pleasure clone behind him. "Sekido and Urogi must have done a number on this house hold!" Aizetsu said nothing and walked further into the house. "What's up with you? Your quieter the usual ever since our human pet escaped," Karau mused. That was really the reason, You left. without a word, you left him.

He searched all through out Japan to find you. he searched for a year. but gave up assuming you were dead, but his was warm heart broke in 1 thousand pieces when he found out you were actually dead. news got out that a woman was found dead along the river. he was devastated, he wanted to spend eternity with you. but why did you leave him? what happened that made you abandon him?

his head perked up when he heard the cries of an infante. "hm?" leaving Karaku behind to see where the cries were coming from. he followed the sound to a small trapped door, the cries were not as loud as a normal infants, Aizetsu dug his fingers into the sides of the board. his eyes widened and he dropped the board with his face in an awe. the infante looked like him. dark skin, long messy hair. its eyes were a lot like yours, ears elf shaped but no horns.

Aizetsu picked up the crying infant and tried to sooth it. "is this why you left me?" tears ran down his cheeks as he tried to calm the infant. He held the little one close and let it suck his finger. "Its ok little one, your safe now.. daddys got you," the baby calms down and closes its eyes as it rests his head on Aizetsu's chest.

"So... thats what you have been doing with the human? Making that hell spawn? Pathetic" Sekido grumbled behind him. "He's not pathetic..." he held the sleeping baby closer to him and stood up. "We only kidnapped that human girl because she was useful. Not your personal cock sleeve you fool," you were more then that. You were his light at the end of a dark tunnel, his comfort place when his designated emotion gets the better of him.

You made him feel better about himself and made him feel alot more then infinite sorrow. You were precious to him. And this infant, this baby was the only thing he had left of you. And he was not letting this baby go anytine soon. "AIZETSU YOU FOOL GET RID OF IT! ITS NOTHING BUT A DISTRACTION!" He stopped when Aizetsu pointed the tip of his spear at Sekido. For once in his life, he felt rage, he was angry, angry at the fact that someone was willing to hurt his child. He liftes his head up to reveal slit eyes instead on the upper moon 4 kanji.

"This is my child, And I'm not giving it up,"

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