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Mark and Sidney arrived at Roman's house, finding it awfully quiet for someone throwing a party.

Sidney and Mark shared a look before they saw a body by the pool , Mark checked for a pulse but didn't find one. He shook his head at Sidney.

The two of them heard muffled screams, and they shared another look before walking into the house, seeing Gale tied up on a chair,

"Gale!" Sidney rushed over and took the fold from Gales mouth before going to untie her

"It's was Roman! Roman is Ghostface!" Gale told them ,"zeppelin was right," Mark said

Gale eyes widen ,"Mark, watch out!" Mark turned around and saw Ghostface running at him, and he raised his gun shooting

He missed Ghostface, and Ghostface tackled him to the floor, both of them struggling.

Sidney untied Gale, and she ran over to the gun, picking it up and shooting, Ghostface ran off

"Are you okay?" Sidney asked, and Mark groaned," Yeah, "Sidney helped him up, and Mark mumbled a thanks

Soon enough, the three of search the house for Roman until they were attacked again and Sidney was separated from them.
Sidney got locked inside of a room, and a video started to play. She froze as she saw her own mother going into a motel room with Hank loomis, Billy's father.

Sidney backed up as she saw Ghostface appearing, and he took off his mask, revealing Roman.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you kill zeppelin?" Sidney questioned, glaring at him, and Roman chuckled

"You're seriously asking that?" Roman said. He rolled his eyes ,"zeppelin was a problem. She was getting too close, so I killed her ," he added

"You had no right! You had no right taking a little girls mother away!" Sidney yelled

"Yeah, well, I had my mother taken away too!" Roman shouted ,"you took my mother away, Sidney! She chose you and not me!" He added

Sidney stared at him in confusion, "what?"

"Maureen Prescott was my mother, surprise Sidney, I'm your half brother," Roman told her

Sidney looked at him in shock, "I started all of this Sidney, because of Maureen...because of you, you're little boyfriend just needed a little motivation to go on a murder spree with his pyscho bestfriend, I just showed him a little movie of our mom and his dad , oh boy was he pissed ," Roman chuckled

"Zeppelin died because of you, your friends died because of you, Sidney!" Roman told her , Sidney shook her head , tears clouding her vision

"You're the reason why that little girl doesn't have a mother,"he spat out

"No!it was your fault! You're the one that killed her! You sick fuck!" Sidney yelled before she rushed towards Roman

The two of them started to fight as Gale and Mark tried to find a way in.
Dewey sigh, worried about Gale and Sidney. He hasn't heard from either of them in over an hour.

He leaned back against the chair, and Stevie looked at him, "You okay?" She quietly asked

"Mm. I'm just worried, that's all," dewey said ,Stevie reached out and grabbed Dewey's hand in hers, and Dewey smiled at her, and Stevie smiled back.
Sidney grunted as she was thrown back, she punch Roman in the face before kneeling him in the crotch,

Roman grunted, and Sidney flipped them around, and she punched Roman again

"This is for zeppelin." she grabbed the knife and stabbed Roman, only to be met with a bulletproof vest

Roman chuckled before head bumping Sidney, Sidney fell back, and Roman got on top of her

"Say hi to her for me, will ya?" Roman raises the knife, but Sidney punched him in the throat

Roman loudly coughed, dropping the knife, and Sidney stood up, kicking him. She picked up the knife and grabbed a fist full of his hair , tilting his head back

"That bulletproof vest isn't going to help you now," she told him before stabbing him in the neck over and over again. Blood splattered all over her. It poured out of Roman's neck,

Mark and Gale rushed in after breaking down the door, freezing as they saw Sidney stabbing Roman. She pulled the knife out and kicked Roman back

Roman choked on his own blood , Gale walked over, glaring down at him, taking the gun from Mark

"This is for my sister, you asshole," she aimed the gun and wasn't hesitant to pull the trigger. She shot him right in the head, and Roman was dead.

"You okay, Sidney?" Mark asked, and Sidney nodded ,"Yeah, "
Dewey looked down at Stevie, who was alseep in his lap. He let out a small sigh before he spotted Sidney, Gale, and Mark walking back into the station.

"We got him. He's dead," Gale told him ,"are you guys okay?" Dewey asked , Gale dropped herself besides Dewey

"Not by a longshot," she replied,"I'll be okay," Sidney said," How is she?" Mark questioned, gesturing to Stevie

"Sad, but she'll be okay," dewey said, Gale sniffled and leaned her on Dewey's shoulder, interlocking her hand with his, and he squeezed her hand tightly

"We did," she whispered, "we got justice for zeppelin," she added, and Dewey own eyes clouded with tears

"Yeah, we did,"
Word count - 880

The last chapter is complete!
I hope that you enjoyed it!

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