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Zeppelin slowly opened her eyes, blinking to adjust them to the light. She glanced over at the obnoxious beeping, glaring at the machine.

"You're awake," Zeppelin looked over towards the door as gale walked in holding a cup of coffee.

Gale walked over and sat in the empty chair besides her. "How are you feeling?"

Zeppelin cleared her throat before speaking ,"like I've been stabbed,"

Gale rolled her eye's before worriedly looking at Zeppelin, "you had me worried,"

"I'm tougher than I look, a few knife wounds won't kill me. How is everyone else? How's dewey?" Zeppelin asked

Gale sigh, "he's grieving, he misses Tatum and Sidney doing alright, so is randy, in fact he's been annoying the nurses so he came and vist you. "

Zeppelin let out a small chuckle before groaning and bring a hand towards her side , "God that hurt," she grumbled

"You should take it easy. You were stabbed four times." Gale told her and Zeppelin closed her eyes letting out a sigh

"Don't remind me." Zeppelin opened her eyes and looked at her sister.

"So, what's with you and dewey?" Zeppelin question with a teasing look on her face.

"Nothings going on with me and dewey, what's going on with you and randy?" Gale replied , taking a sip of her coffee

"I like him. He's cute," Zeppelin told her with a smile on her face.

Gale smiled and brought a hand up and grabbed Zeppelin hand in hers, squeezing it ,"I'm glad you're okay. I'm gonna go now and let your rest." Gale said, standing up

"Go to dewey, he needs you," Zeppelin told her and gale nodded ,"and I'm glad your okay too." Zeppelin added and gale smiled before leaving her room.
Randy peaked his head in Zeppelin room and saw her sleeping. He had sneaked out of his room and past the nurses and doctors.

He walked into the room and closed the door behind him gently before walking over and taking a seat on the chair next to the bed.

He reached his hand out and grabbed Zeppelin hand in his. ,"you sneaked out?" Randy looked at Zeppelin and saw her staring at him with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, just wanted to see you, how are you feeling?" Randy questioned, "I'm alright, how about you?" Zeppelin said

"Better now that I know your alright," randy replied and Zeppelin chuckled ,"that was cheesy," randy let out a small laugh

"Yeah it was," he said and Zeppelin glanced down at their hands, squeezing Randy's hand.

"Randy, " Zeppelin started and randy hummed in acknowledgement

"When we get out of here...let's go on a date, a real one this time," she said and randy smiled

"Really? I mean yeah! Heck yeah," randy said, cheering and letting out a small groan as he moved his shoulder

"Okay, that was a stupid move," Zeppelin chuckled before she scooted a bit and patted the bed ,"come on,"

Randy eyes widen ," want me to join you?" Zeppelin gave him a look

"Don't make it weird. Lay next to me alright, let's get some rest," randy carefully laid next to Zeppelin,

They were side to side, they're shoulders touching, Zeppelin rested her head on Randy's shoulder, and she reached her hand out and interlocked it with Randy's.

She closed her eyes and randy smiled resting his head on top of hers before closing his eye's.
Word count - 572

Hope you enjoy!

This was the final chapter of ACT I !

Thank you for reading!

ACT II  will come soon!


If you had to pick one person to date in the scream franchise who will you pick?

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