-°~Chapter 10~°-

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Word Count: 1,192
No One's POV:

Izuku sighed as he watched Hando sleep.

It'd been a few days sense the whole thing had happened and Hando, while she was healing, felt like absolutely shit.

She hasn't gone on patrol for a few days while she hated, because she went patrolling every night?? Like it was an addiction for her, she hated not patrolling, she wanted to help other people but of course, she can't do that, not while Izuku was around at least..

Though aside from that, everything's been fine.. Hando has slept, Izuku has taken care and changed her bandages, for the most part everything's been going smoothly.

Well.. Except for the pain killers thing, he gave the last of them to Hando this morning and they'd need more real quick, even for a vigilante she doesn't take pain well, it would be funny in the future but right now it was just annoying.

So, he was contemplating on how he wanted to go about this, steal something for the first time in his life or try to find money on the sidewalk to buy it, both sounded a bit degrading but he's leaning towards stealing, I mean come on! It's not like he's not already being called a fucking villain, why not add theft to the list? I mean honestly it's a petty crime at best, it's not like it's a big deal, at best he'll be called a wimpy villain, maybe he should start going by diary of a whimpy villain, get ahead of the curve ball.

Izuku couldn't help but sigh again, he got up and went to his room to grab some more dark clothes that'd hide him better, as much as he doesn't wanna steal he owes Hando this, he went out and forced Hando to just stay there to make sure they didn't find him, which earned her a narly burn, and he did kind of force his way into her life.. He owed her this, and while he's choosing to keep his pride he's still gonna throw away a moral or two, not like morals were really important when your vigilante mom is burned and in pain, besides stealing pain meds was nothing! It'd be fineee...


Turns out he was wrong, it's not fine.

He's currently in a convenience store holding a thing of pain meds, he couldn't figure out how to stuff it anywhere without seeming suspicious, he should've worn baggier clothes! God he sucks at being even slightly inconvenient! This sucks, he didn't have any money on him either, so he just.. stood there, and looked at it.

Sad really.

After a few minutes he made a face before putting it up, he'll have to hype himself up outside, or cry, or both, either way he's determined to get those pain meds one way or another.

He turned to leave the Isle before he suddenly bumped into someone else, he made a noise before quickly going to apologize.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to-" Izuku started to stutter an apology but was quickly cut off.


Izuku froze at that, well fuck, there goes all his plans, his life, his ego, his morals, and his sanity, all out the window, down the drain, sucked out of a tube by God himself.

He looked up to see who'd taken his will to live today, and was surprised to see Shinso, I mean he probably shouldn't be, it was late and if he dared use his brain he'd remember that Shinso goes to this convenience store pretty much every fucking night to get an energy drink.

Good going Izuku, you really did it this time.

"Uhm.." Izuku stated unhelpfully, this was.. awkward.

Shinso gave him the stink eye before smacking him upside the head.

"What the fuck?!" Shinso whisper yelled at Izuku, obviously done with his shit.

"I can explain-" Izuku went to speak again but was cut off.. again.

"No you can't- Oh I hate you but I'm also your not dead, I hate-care about you right now!" Shinso stated as he pulled Izuku into an extra tight hug, to both make sure Izuku is actually there and to also hurt him a bit.

Izuku laughed a bit as he hugged Shinso back, he really did miss Shinso despite it all..

"I'm sorry.." Izuku whispered as he held onto Shinso just as tight.

They stood there for a moment before pulling apart, deciding that having a moment in a convenience store was a bit weird, Shinso sighed as he really thought about the situation, he found his first and only friend who is a fugitive to the pros right now, he wouldn't turn him in but also this is a weird situation.

"So, why are you here?" Shinso asked as he crossed his arms, already feeling tired.

"Well.. Uhm, Ha- Fuzz kill! FuzzKill is kinda out of commission and I need pain meds but I don't.. have any money" Izuku stated shyly, a bit embarrassed with himself.

"You were gonna steal them, weren't you?" Shinso more stated then asked, because no way Izuku leaves and fucking forgets money.

"Noo... Yeah" Izuku admitted quickly as he slouched in defeat, now he's lost his pride and his morals.

Shinso mentally slapped a hand onto his forehead, completely done with this idiot already, he patted his back sympathetically before he grabbed two different things of pain killers before going to the self-checkout, he grabbed himself an energy drink and Izuku an energy drink, he's never seen Izuku drink an energy drink but he probably needs it right about now, Izuku only followed him like a lost puppy and watched as Shinso bought it all before heading out of the store, Izuku still followed.

Once they were outside Shinso grabbed his energy drink from the bag before he handed the bag to Izuku, Izuku took it without complaint.

"Thank you.." Izuku stated with a small frown, sad that he'd made Shinso buy him something he should've been able to buy (steal) by himself.

Shinso only sighed as he gave Izuku a tight hug, he held him for a bit before letting go and looking at him with a stern look.

"If you need anything else you know damn well I'll be here.. Don't you dare fucking die" Shinso stated as he pinched Izuku's cheek, which got Izuku to whine pitifully.

Once Shinso let go he gave Izuku a final, gentle pat on the head before leaving, not daring to let Izuku get a word out before he left, he didn't want to hear any excuses of half-assed sorrys or stupid hero rants, he wanted the final say and he damn well got it.

Izuku watch him leave with a frown, he knew Shinso was mad at him but he also knew Shinso cared about him to much to just turn his back on him, he opened the bag to see what was in it, two different kinds of pain killers that he assumes he'll need to switch between and a watermelon monster.. He sighed a bit as he smiled.

Shinso really was the best..

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