-°~Chapter 9~°-

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Word Count: 1,235

Nother chapter, featuring my own personal bead cannon
No One's POV:

Aizawa is in shock.

It had been fucking months (it felt like years but still) sense he'd seen Izuku, he has been looking for him none-stop sense he left that cell, and the first time he sees him in like 4 months is when he shows up out of the fucking blue to help a vigilante! I mean that's a very Izuku thing to do but what the fuck.

He was currently in the living room of his apartment, he was laying face down on the ground, just thinking.

Honestly, he can't believe he's even in this situation, he knew Izuku wasn't the fucking traitor and yet he still didn't bother to help out even a little bit more, he was angry yes, but he was more upset with himself then anything.

A few weeks ago Bakugou and Uraraka had an all out brawl and to say it was a surprise was an understatement, apparently Bakugou accused Uraraka of being the UA traitor along with telling her if she got Izuku killed he'd kill her, which in all fairness if that had happened she'd be locked away in a prison somewhere despite her being a kid, which is fucked up but there's not much he can do about that.

Then, of course like the genius mother fuckers those kids are, it turned out to be true, Uraraka was the US traitor, turns out if you bring up Izuku when interrogating she breaks down and admits a lot.. Like the crush on Izuku and her sick plan to make him hers by manipulating him.. Not gonna lie, he was very tempted to throw her out a window, but she was still a kid so out of morality he didn't.

Bakugou didn't have that same morality however, so he almost did throw her out a window, he stopped it of course.

He missed Izuku, he couldn't even pretend to act like he didn't miss the kid, because he did! Izuku was his kid, that kid didn't deserve to be locked up, he didn't deserve to be thrown out, he didn't deserve to be left alone out there on the streets- or at least he thought Izuku was alone.. No, of course not, he had to make friends with a well known vigilante and save said vigilante, putting him in trouble.

Oh how he missed the old days, when all he had to do was stop Bakugou from beating up his other students, the good old days.

Now has to catch his problem child..

Yeah, catch his problem child.









They continued to argue as Izuku tried his best to take care of Hando's burns, he's taken care of his own burns a lot when he was younger but nothing this.. Severe, it's a terrible burn and as much as he'd love to say Hando is taking it like a champ.. she'd not, she really is not, I mean he doesn't expect Hando to deal with burns this severe like she doesn't feel pain but really.. the whining was sad, but he gets it.

The fire had burned her clothes into her skin, her skin was burned, red and blistering terribly, it was gross and terrible.. He fucking hates Endeavor, just burning her without a second thought.. God, the more he stays with Hando and stays undercover the more he sees just how.. careless heros are, it infuriated him.

Though right now that wasn't the point, he needed to help Hando.

Carefully ge tended to her wounds, being as gentle as possible as he did everything in his power to help Hando, every once in awhile some blood would make itself known and that only made him feel worse.. Hando didn't deserve this.

He sighed a bit, Hando was quiet now, just enduring it so it'll be over soon and Izuku could considerate on doing his best, she knew Izuku had some experience with burns but she hopes Izuku didn't have experience with burns this bad, even if it would help her she didn't even want to think about the possibilities of how Izuku would've dealt with a burn so big.. Hando only hopes she can keep most of the nerves on her back.

And if she doesn't.. Tough luck I guess.

Hando couldn't help but hiss as she felt Izuku start to wrap her wounds, once that was done she was gonna get up but Izuku smacked her head.

"OW?!" Hando screeched, offended at the sudden attack.

"Lay down! Don't get up til I get pain medication!" Izuku stated as he glared at Hando.

She huffed but she did as told, Hando laid back down and mumbled a few things but ultimately let Izuku do his thing.

Izuku ran to the bathroom and quickly looked around for pain meds, he looked for a bit before he finally found a small bottle of ibuprofen, he opened it to see how many there were and was disappointed to find there was only about 8 left, that would barely last 2 days..

He groaned loudly before he ran back, that was just gonna have to be future Izuku's problem.

Quickly Izuku shuffled back into the room and put three pain killers in his hand, he gave it to Hando to drink along with a water bottle, she took it quickly, this time she looked to Izuku to see if she could get up.

"No, wait for the pain killers to kick in before we move you to your bed.." Izuku stated, Hando nodded as she stayed face down on the ground, willing for the pain killers to kick in quicker.

It was quiet for a long moment, Hando replayed the night over in her head, she hadn't had to deal with those two kids that Endeavor brought with him, she was glad they didn't see her back.. it was grewsome, she hadn't seen it but if it's half as bad as it feels then it's definitely not something she'd willingly show a child.

"You know.." Hando started, Which quickly caught Izuku's attention. "That human bird is scary" she stated, completely baffling Izuku.

"The human bird..? Do you mean hawks?? How is he scary" Izuku questioned, Hawks of all people was NOT scary, he looked like a moron, how is he scary??

"Yeah! I mean he could poop on you at any moment.. Bird guy is scary, I mean I don't want poop on me!" Hando stated with a shudder, hating the thought of having to clean human sized bird poop off of herself.

Izuku paused at that, trying to process what Hando had said, then when he did he slowly started laughing, before breaking out into mad cackles at the thought of Hando getting human sized bird terds on her, he was nearly crying at the idea of that happening and was worse is that with Hawks actually being part bird is that it was actually possible, he was practically crying now.

Hando only smiled as she heard Izuku loosen up and laugh, he needed a good laugh after tonight.. Soon enough her pain killers would kick in, but til then she'd simply wait on the floor, enjoying Izuku's company.

Hopefully tomorrow would be better..

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