I Like Your Boots (But Your Laces Are Coming Loose)

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based on: blue haired boy by madilyn mei

both kuboyasu and kaidou are autistic and trans in this btw

Warmth beams down in comforting rays upon the city. A watercolour palette of pastels smudging the windows of office buildings. Oranges and yellows and peach hues prettily decorating Kaidou's journey home from summer cram school. Gently, the breeze brushes past luscious green leaves encouraging them to excitedly wave as he strolls past although he was far too busy with his head in the clouds; fantasising about the next part of his literary genius book. Fiddling with his bandages, he walks and hums a tune to himself, a theme song perhaps to a 6+ season anime he is thinking about adapting his work into. He's alone on the street. So, he lets his hands flap.

"Yes, yes and then the main character will go whoosh and slice and-" Kaidou narrates to himself, simultaneously slicing the air, chuckling to himself.

Walk. Whoosh. Walk. Whoosh. Walk. Whoosh.


"What you- basta-!?" a gruff voice loudly curses.

Indigo eyes glaring at his surroundings. Glaring at Kaidou; veins bulging, pupils dilated to the size of a needle's eye, the picture of frustration and anger. Kaidou was definitely lucky to have not seen the stranger pick up the nearest fire hydrant and silently threaten to throw it (it truly might have killed him LOL)

Welp! Turns out, Kaidou wasn't alone on the street anymore. He was far too gleeful to notice anyone else walking his way. The soft thud of shoulder clashing into shoulder and clatter of a bag: shudders through him; shakes an awkward and rather embarrassed wavering laugh from him; forces him to profusely apologise- voice cracking- a high pitch squeal of nerves.

In a rush, Kaidou grovels down; quickly scrambles to pick up the dropped contents.Kaidou didn't even have a chance to see the stranger's softening face and equally embarrassing revelation that he went a little too far again.

"No, no don't apologise- it was my fault too" the stranger responds, he's down on his knees too helping to pick up the rest of his stuff. Softly chuckling at the goodie, frantically racing to place his stuff: water bottle, pencil case, japanese exercise book, into his hands.

That's when the stranger noticed, the red bandage wrapped tightly around Kaidou's right arm. It matched the scarlet of his eyes.

'Huh, pretty.' the stranger thinks before realising he's staring, he bites down on his tongue feeling a blast of soft pink plaster across his cheeks.

Pretty but Unusual. Admittedly, the stranger couldn't say much, so gave a nod out of respect.

"Sick, bandage, dude!" he remarks.

Kaidou gulps: stammering over his words in a way that he hoped make him seem thankful, cheeks burning hot, resisting the urge to spill every thought bubbling in his mind about his powers and how he is the jet black wings and whether he has heard of the dangerous secret organisation Dark Reunion.

Hardly able to make eye contact with the stranger, Kaidou finds his gaze exploring other aspects of the acquaintance: sharp jawline, sharp dark eyes, sharp jagged haircut, which notably was a deep purple and loose shoelaces attached to combat boots.

Cool. He was so very cool.

Simply, the stranger waves and says he has to be on his way. He looks back and grins. Leaving Kaidou standing there in the street, stumbling and speechless and red in the face.

"Uh- yeah bye!" his voice cracks again.

Embarrassed, Shun's hand clutches his throat and wishes that the earth would swallow him whole.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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