[class times]

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"shit, im late im late" shun panicked as he rushed down the corridor,, half a sandwich in his mouth, his franctic speak being muffled by the amountous ball of crust[which shun hated ofc, but his mum forced him to eat them]. In a hurry, he was shoving papers into his bag,, they were still warm from the photocopier,,,the work that he worked hard on over the week probably getting crumbled, as they sat in between the selection of books, his pokemon pencil case and that trigomnery set that he was made to get. by the time he got to class they were probably going to be ruined anyway,, so 'whats the problem with crumbling them more?' kaidou thought as he ran down the stairs two stairs at a time.

The extra classes, his mother made shun take, always made him disappointed. he had a deep dred about the weekends because of them, well thats until he showed up a couple weeks ago, with his deep purple hair and the glasses that framed his handsome-looking face almost perfectly,, he always had his nails painted a shade of deep black[sometimes with glitter, sometimes without]. it was even just the way the taller male held his pen,, that made the shorter male think he was interesting,, he questioned where he got all of the small scars which criss-crossed up his fingers, wrapping around the gaps of his knuckles as his pen lazily sat writing at his finger tips,, his rings always glinting in the harsh room lighting. Either or, he just made the normally boring class better.

From far away, where kaidou sat in class he looked perfect,, he sounded perfect as well with his deep voice that shun had always yearned for but was never able to achieve.

he was also smart. 

really smart.

shun wondered why he even needed these classes;; it didnt seem like he needed them. he never asked him in all fairness, shun didnt know much about the guy after all,, they had only had minimal conversations when they had to discuss in lil groups about triangles and angles and shit,, other than that they werent exactly friends. shun never had many friends in the first place, well apart from saiki but shun always questioned if he was just putting up with his pityful existence. He didnt even know if the purplette, who he learnt was called aren kuboyasu from always hearing his name being called in class wanted to be friends with him. 

the answer is...

he did 

[About ten minutes earlier]

Aren was sitting bored, he was all by himself in the small lecture classroom. oh yes saturday;; the day where everyone gets a lie in- but that wasnt for them, it was never for them,, they had to get there 10am on the dot. It was about now when a few other students started to file into the room, but they werent the one he was hoping to see. 

Eventhough he was taking these classes to make up for all of the middle school maths classes he he skipped;; he enrolled in these classes to catch up.. well eventhough he knew that factor he couldn't help but feel like part of the (Ex)punks heart was staying due to him always getting to look at the soft-haired boy, his soft blue curls looking like sweet cotton candy,, half of the time aren had to hold himself back from reaching out and feeling it,, wanting to be able to see if his hair could be compared to the sugary treat. he was lucky that he was able to see that cuteness by just looking at a few rows ahead of him,

with a soft click of his pen he opened the lid of it,, the remaining pen lid resting between his teeth,, and he started doodling on the sheet of paper in his notebook,, in all fairness if he didnt want to be a teacher, he would most likely run away and live in the woods,, becoming an artist for a low price.. After drawing a few squiggles he looked up at the clock then down,, his eyebrows soon furrowed,, there was 5 minutes to go and yet he still wasnt there,, for the 4 sessions he has been here,, the boy was always there before him.. then he felt his heart almost drop seeing someone sitting in the guys normal seat,, eventhough she was extremely pretty,, she was practically radiating it,her long blue hair falling down her shoulders in waves, he was disappointed. she wasnt who he wanted to see.

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