Pills n Potions (j.o)

Start from the beginning

You licked your lips, wiping a tear from your face.

I wish I could've apologized and meant it,
But these demons,
They tormented,
Me — My love for you,
Plaguing me because they knew,
If I was anything good to you,
It was untrue.

But I still loved.

And I love you now.

I know you're in a better place,
Free from me and my love constraint,
Free from cheating and complaint,
My inability to repaint,
your glasses back
— rose-tinted,
so delusion can cast me a saint.

You covered your mouth, allowing your tears to fall freely. Your eyes skimmed the many onlookers in the crowd; disgust spiking the room.

You swallowed,

"I know you blame me for her suicide,
I blame me too.
I know you wish it was me and not her,
I wish it was me too.

But this is the only time she'll be free,
from me,
of me.

Fucked up irony,
That to escape me,
she was tried,
And sentenced to death,
so she could live freely,

I deserve the scrutiny,
The way you look at me with disgust,
With disdain,
With pain,
With judgement behind your eyes.

I know what I cost you,

Cost her,

the first time,
the second time,
and the last time

I know so many of you won't believe me,

I know she didn't.

But I still loved."

You quickly left the mic as an uproar ensued. The clamoring of unhappy people shouting at you while you walked to the casket just a few feet behind you. You stared at the woman with uneven breathing as more tears flooded your eyes. Everything hitting you at once:

"There's somebody I like, yeah," Jenna flipped her hair.

"My celebrity crush? Maybe Jenna Ortega, I don't know — she's mesmerizing," you nodded.

"I didn't mean to ruin your shirt," Jenna panicked.

You laughed, patting Jenna's blouse dry, "We've got to stop running into each other like this."

"I want to get to know you," you and Jenna spoke.

"You know you're my favorite person in the world?" She asked, wrapping her arms around your waist.

"I'm somebody's favorite face," you smirked.

"You'll be my personal munch if you keep looking at me like that." Jenna pointed.

You smacked, "My god, you're a goddamn chef! What's in this?"

Jenna cupped your face, "Love and happiness."

You covered your mouth, "You want to do what with me?"

"Touch me...," she whispered.

All For Fun | Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now