33. Can't Get a Break

Start from the beginning

"The only time you'll ever get the front seat is when it's just you and Colin!" Zev interjected, grinning rather wolfishly. Conner grumbled a bit but didn't say anything more. Clearly, it was something he already knew.

The rest of the trip was filled with the usual chatter Anna had come to expect from students at school - homework, football, plans for the rest of the weekend. It was nice to hear them talk – and to be part of it. And it made the ride so short, Anna barely noticed when they turned into the parking lot. Anna and Colin each got out of the car quickly, and Anna turned around to watch the three boys in the back tumble out.

"Hurry up, guys! The movie starts in five minutes!" Colin called out over his shoulder, already heading towards the theater. Anna turned and hurried after him, glancing at her watch. Behind her, she could hear the three boys yelling at each other as they ran to catch up.

As they approached the theater, Anna spotted Mia and Carmine waiting by the ticket booth, looking anxious. Mia spotted them first, and waved as they approached.

"We didn't think you guys were going to come! We were getting ready to go inside."

"We already bought our tickets." Carmine said as the five latecomers quickly formed a line and began purchasing tickets of their own.

"What took you so long?" Mia asked. Anna apologized, even though it wasn't her fault.

"We were running a little behind." she told them by way of explanation. Mia just nodded vaguely.

"Come on!" Luke said urgently, ushering everyone through the door Zev was already holding open.

They jogged down the long hall to the theater – the last one, of course – and quickly passed through the now closed wooden doors.

Inside it was already dark, the only light coming from a preview showing loudly on the screen. Slowly, the group made their way towards the seats. Anna didn't need to wait for her eyes to adjust to the darkness – one of the advantages of being a vampire. Instead, what slowed her down was the sheer number of people in the audience.

Anna scanned the crowd, trying to find any place where the seven of them could sit together. But the best she could come up with was a group of four seats in the front corner.

Anna was about to suggest they split up when Luke gently took her hand. She felt butterflies rising up in her stomach, and she was glad that the darkness hid the trace of red she was sure was on her cheeks.

"Up here." Luke whispered to her. Zev and Conner were already making their way up the steps towards the top of the theater. Anna allowed herself to be guided up the stairs to a group of seats that had somehow eluded her three rows from the very back.

As they approached the row with the empty seats, Luke whispered to Anna, "There's a group of seats here sort of close to the middle. But watch out – there's like nine seats with people in them."

Anna smiled quietly to herself. She'd been about to point out that there were only eight people seated, but thought better of it. Luke was obviously trying to be helpful, guiding her in a darkness he had no way of knowing she could easily see through. And it had been such a long time since Anna had been the benefactor of such chivalry. How could she point out to him that she could see better than he could possibly imagine?

Instead, she whispered a thank you and followed him nimbly up the aisle. As they inched past the people already seated at the edge of the row, Anna glanced back over her shoulder to see Mia subtly guiding Carmine up the last of the steps and pointing out the seats that Luke had spotted. Once seated, with Luke on her right and Carmine on her left, Anna settled down to watch the first action movie she'd ever seen.

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