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Make Me Lose Control
Season 2, Episode 3

Tori was woken up by pain in her pelvic area. She didn't know how to describe it, just that it was almost too painful. She waited a few seconds and then she reached over to turn on the lamp and looked at the clock. When she did, she saw that it was 3:30 in the morning.

She sighed and moved into the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom, she looked for any signs of bleeding. There was blood on her underwear but not a lot.

Once she was done in the bathroom, she walked across the hall to Meredith's room and knocked lightly. Since she knew Meredith came home alone last night, she went into the room and to her sister's side.

"Meredith." Tori said shaking her sister

Meredith's eyes opened, "What's wrong, Toria?" She asked tiredly, sitting up once she saw her sister in her room

Tori shrugged, "Pain in my pelvic area. Like really bad. I'm bleeding but not badly." She said

Meredith looked at her younger sister, "Let's go to the hospital to check." She said

The pregnant woman nodded, "Please."

The older sister got up to get dressed, "Go wake George or Izzie and tell them." Meredith said

Tori nodded and walked out and knocked on Izzie's door. She didn't hear anything that sounded like sex, so she went in.

"Izzie." Tori said shaking her

Izzie's eyes opened, "Tori?" She asked tiredly

"Mer's taking me to the hospital to check why I have a pain and I'm bleeding a little. Ariel's sleeping but in case she wakes up, can you watch her?" Tori explained

Izzie nodded, "Yeah. Tell me how it goes." She said

"I will." The pregnant woman said


At the hospital, a resident OBGYN just finished doing an exam, since Addison was at home and the resident didn't want to bother her for what was probably nothing.

"You're fine." The doctor said, "The pain was probably just a bad case of indigestion. Happens all the time, especially in the second and third trimesters."

Tori looked at the doctor, "But why am I bleeding? I didn't feel that way when I was 22 weeks pregnant with my daughter."

The doctor wrote something on her chart, "As you know, each pregnancy is different. If the pain continues into next week, we'll reevaluate. As for the bleeding, you did have an exam done yesterday." He told the Grey sisters

Tori and Meredith both let out sighs of relief since the resident didn't seem too concerned.

"So baby boy is fine? I'm fine?" Tori asked just to be sure

The doctor nodded, "Yes. Nothing to worry about. You're good to go home and get a few more hours of sleep." He said

"Thank you." Meredith said

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