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Who's Zoomin' Who?
Season 1, Episode 9

"Mommy, George is hogging the bathroom!" Ariel complained coming into her mother's room

Tori turned to look at the 6 year old, "Then let's get him out." She said

Together, the mother daughter duo walked down the hall.

Tori started knocking on the door, "George, get out of the bathroom!" She said, "There's a pregnant woman and a 6 year old who both need to pee." She said loudly

"Give me a minute!" George called from inside the bathroom

Tori groaned and leaned against the wall with Ariel standing beside her.

Izzie then came into the hallway and tried to enter the bathroom, but since the door was locked, she couldn't.

"We're not just standing here for the fun of it." Tori remarked

Izzie started knocking on the door, "George. You locked the door. I need to take a shower."

Tori stood up straighter, "If anyone is getting the bathroom, it's Ariel and I since shes 6 and I'm 20 weeks pregnant."

"Uh, uh, I'll be out in a minute." George once again repeated

Izzie rolled her eyes at George's remark, "What are you doing in there?" She asked him

"It's private." The only male in the house replied

Izzie looked mildly shocked, "Oh. Oh, God. I'm sorry. I get it. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, it's not that!" George denied, sounding panicked

The pregnant woman groaned, "Seriously?" She asked, "You're hogging the bathroom to masterbate?"

Ariel furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her mother, "What does 'masterbate' mean?"

Tori sucked her teeth, "It means George is playing with his private parts to make himself feel good. Don't go around telling people that you know what that means."

The 6 year old gave her mother an innocent look, "Can I tell them that I'm smarter than them because my mommy, Auntie Mer, Aunt Cristina, Uncle Alex, Grandma Bailey, Chief Grandpa and my biological grandmother are doctors?" She asked

Tori fought off a smile, "Keep the bragging to a minimum, My little Mermaid."

Unseen by Tori and Ariel, Izzie made a face at being excluded from Ariel's family.

George then exited the bathroom to find Tori, Ariel, and Izzie outside the door. Izzie was the only grinning as Tori looked annoyed and Ariel looked like she needed to pee badly.

"There's no reason to be ashamed. It's normal. Healthy, even." Izzie told George

George shook her head, "Well I'm not ashamed cause I wasn't doing anything. I don't have to. I have a girlfriend."

Tori ignored them and pushed her way into the bathroom. However she could still hear her roommates arguing.

"An imaginary girlfriend?" Izzie asked

"An actual girlfriend." George said

Tori then finished in the bathroom and as she opened the door, Ariel darted in before anyone else.

Izzie snorted, "You know what? It's no big deal. You don't have to lie. I get it. You have needs." She told George

Due to the commotion, Meredith opened her bedroom door that Izzie had been leaning on, "What is going on out here?" The older Grey asked her sister

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