Before Tori could reply, Bailey entered the locker room, "Ok, people, assignments. Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey and Tori, come see me, and who was on call last night?"

Tori moved away from Alex and went to Bailey's side. Not a second later, Meredith joined them.

Alex and Izzie raised their hands and Bailey handed them a stack of charts, "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood?"

Alex nodded, "Understood."

Bailey shook her head, "Karev, don't tempt me." She then looked at the Grey sisters, "Somebody's popular."

Meredith tilted her head, "Meaning?"

"There's been a special request, for both of you." Bailey told them

Tori's eyes lit up, "Am I working with Dr. Torres or Dr. Robbins?" She asked

Again Bailey shook her head, "Neither. Addison Shepherd wanted both of you."

The Grey Sisters shared a look of dread as they exited the locker room and walked to their doom.


"If anyone is in the wrong, it's Derek." Tori told her sister, "Also Jordan prevented me from punching him a second time."

Meredith smiled slightly at that, "Remind me to thank him. You can't punch someone twice while you haven't even had an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with Little Kraken." Then she remembered what she learned last night at the bar, "Cristina's pregnant and she won't say who the father is.

The younger Grey rolled her eyes affectionately, "My appointment is Wednesday." She paused, "Mr. Duff, the patient who thought he was psychic did say she was pregnant. The father is probably Burke since she's been sleeping with him almost as long as you and Derek."

The Older Grey lightly elbowed her sister, "And you didn't say anything?"

The younger Grey shrugged, "You didn't ask."

Meredith just looked at her sister, "How are things going with Jordan?" She asked, changing the subject

As Tori was about to answer, the sisters came across Burke, Addison and Derek.

"I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the interns." Addison told Burke and Derek

Meredith and Tori chose that moment to walk up to them.

"Interns you requested? He did." Meredith confirmed

Derek looked at Addison then Burke. Burke smiled and walked away. Then, Derek walked away and left Meredith, Tori, and Addison there staring at each other.


Addison, Meredith, and Tori were now in a patient's room, Julie, who had TTTS.

"Define TTTS." Addison told the sisters

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins." Meredith answered

Addison nodded, "Connected by?"

"Blood vessels in the placenta." Meredith again answered

"Meaning?" Addison asked

Meredith paused and Tori took over, "One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both." She explained

The mother, Julie, looked at Addison, "They told me there wasn't much chance anything could be done." She said worriedly

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