Chapter 5 The New Normal

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Dr. Shay pulled the hospital chair next to my bed.

"So do you have any idea why you had this panic attack?"


"Is it because of Charlie? its okay if it is, its completely understandable if your getting overwhelmed by this situation."

"I don't want to say anything to take Charlie away, Iv'e hurt him enough already"

"I promise anything you say to me will absolutely not affect your adoption situation or relationship with Charlie. I just really want to know whats going on so I can help you get better, okay?"

"Charlie is great, but everyone seems to be forgetting that my home burnt down. The women that took care of me my whole life are gone, I haven't been to school in a week, and I miss my friends. And now Charlie wants to move just so we can have a fresh start together, and I don't even know where we would move to, or if i'm even ready"

"I understand, that must have been very emotional for you. That's a lot for someone your age to handle. I'm so sorry" he said holding my hand.

Then we began to talk about not just Charlie, but when I got mugged, my life at the home, school, my friends, and just everything. This was making me feel better. Around an hour later we heard Charlie starting to yell at the nurses.


We heard a chair smash against the wall. Dr. Shay ran out of the room and locked the door. Charlie was screaming and getting restless. I started to cry as he tried to open the door. He was screaming my name as security took him out. Dr. Shay opened the door, his sleeves were rolled up and his collar was loosened. I wanted to see Charlie, I wanted to tell him I was sorry, and that all of this wasn't because of him. Dr. Shay didn't know what to say, he looked ashamed of what he just did to Charlie. I decided to talk first.

"Its okay, i'm okay. I think he's just being over protective"

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to hear that."

"When can I see him, when can I go home?"

He looked even more ashamed

"Since Charlie is still under temporary check-ups with the system-"


My face was red, I tried to stand up but nurses ran in and put me back down.


He pulled out a mask

"LET ME GO! WHERE IS HE!. where is he....

He put the mask over my nose and mouth as I kept screaming his name. And then just like that I was asleep again. I woke up again. I was in a different room now. But this time the room wasn't empty. I woke up to find Dr. Shay, what looked like a shrink, my social worker,and another doctor.

"I don't want him here" I said pointing to Dr. Shay.

"He's only here to apologize to you and then we will have him leave." said the doctor

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, i'm Dr. Cooper, and this is Dr. Stevens" he said pointing to the shrink

Dr. Shay stepped in closer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anything to ever happen to Char-"

"Where is he!"

"Fay calm down, Dr. Shay please step out"

Dr. Cooper sat a box of tissues next to my bed and pulled a chair next to me.

"Please just tell me where Charlie is. I need to see him" tears were running down my cheeks, I sounded hysterical.

"Honey calm down, Charlie is here he's fine. Nothing is going to happen to you or him-"

"Then why isn't he here!?"

My head was red hot, their were tears covering my face and dripping from my hair.

"You can see Charlie after we know that your better first. You've had two panic attacks in one day. Its a lot of stress for a young girl to deal with. I'm going to leave you Dr. Stevens and your social worker Mrs. Carter alone to talk for a while."

They started by sitting next to each other by my bed. They were talking to me non-stop for an hour but all I wanted, or could even think about was Charlie. I wanted to see him, I needed to talk to him. I had checked out completely.

"Hello? Fay? are you listening? can you hear me?

"Where's Charlie?"

"Fay, Dr. Stevens told you, we need to make sure your okay before-"

"I don't care, i'm not doing anything until I see Charlie."

Mrs. Carter looked irritated now. Dr. Stevens smiled and both of them got up to leave.

"i'll see if we can get Charlie in here alright? personally I think your better off with him by your side.

I smiled and they both left the room. After a while I fell back asleep, on my own this time. And when I woke up Charlie was sitting next to me. I practically jumped out of the bed rapping myself around him. I started to cry and so did he. It had been three days since he saw me. But it felt like a lifetime since I saw him.

Hey guys! Please feel free to vote and comment I would love some feedback it would be very appreciated  : ) till next time

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