Camping Gone Wrong

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The boys are getting ready to film a brand new spooky video. Mully will be driving in a huge car that will fit everybody. Josh is staying with him so they are currently both up and getting dressed and showered and brushed teeth.
"Fuck...Josh why would you leave your duvet here with your pubes on it!" Mully yells out from the bathroom. Josh let's out a little giggle from the living room. Mully swipes it into the sink and turns the tap on. He stares at himself in the mirror and combs out his hair. Meanwhile josh is in the living room buttoning up his shirt then putting on a jacket. It is said to be cold today. Meanwhile...With Eddie and gabby. Eddie is almost dressed for the day. Sadly gabby cannot come because she feels sick.
"Sorry Eddie that I let you down" gabby coughed. Eddie shook his head.
"You never let me down. Just get some rest!" Eddie said kissing his wife on the forehead then putting on his shoes. Gabby stands up and walks off to the bedroom closing the door. At juicys place he just got showered and after he came out the shower he wrapped a towel around himself. He looked into the mirror and washed his face. He then left and got dressed.
Mully and josh sit in the car and set off first to Eddies home.
They pull up in his driveway and Mully gets out and walks to his from door. He just walks straight in without knocking.
"Holy. Shit..." Eddie jumped. Mully spreads his arms out for a hug. Eddie goes over and hugs him.
"Where is your wifey?" Mully asked. Eddie sighed as they left. As Eddie locked the door.
"Gabby is sick so she's taking a well earned rest" Eddie said walking to the car. They both got inside and before they left.
"What is the video about anyway?" Eddie asked.
"I don't know. Dose and Alana have it all planned out. So when we pick them up and the boys then we will find out." Mully said pulling out the drive way. They then headed to juicy.
"YEAH I WANNA TAKE MY HORSE...TOO THE OLD TOWN ROAD!" Eddie sings sticking his head out the window.
At juicys they pull up and Josh gets out this time and this time knocks. Juicy comes to the door and hugs josh.
"What's going on man!" Juicy said smiling.
"Doing alright!" Josh said smiling back. They both got into the car and now where off to get narrator.
"EOOOO!....GUUUUUU!" juicy shouts random things.
They pulled up at narrators and Mully gets out going to the door. He knocks. His eyebrows raised. He signals the other boys over. Juicy,Eddie,Josh all get out the car and go to the front door listening.
"He's really getting at it right now!" Juicy said. Mully laughs but covers his mouth. Inside meanwhile Lindsay falls beside narrator and they share a kiss.
"I'll be going now. Got a boys vid to shoot" narrator said sitting up on the edge of the bed fixing his clothes.
"You really have you go!" Lindsay said sitting up stroking his arm naked.
"I'm sorry. But they are like brothers to me and I have to be with them!" Narrator said standing up turning toward Lindsay fixing his shirt and hair.
"Fine!" Lindsay said getting off the bed wrapping the blanket around herself and leaving the bedroom going to the spare room. Narrator rolls his eyes and sees the engagement ring on the side table. He shrugs it off and leaves going to the front door. The boys on he outside hear him and run to the grass and sit down. Narrator comes out looking at the boys.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Narrator asked fixing his watch.
"Oh. We were waiting for your slow ass" Mully said trying not to laugh .
"Yeah. Well it doesn't matter. Let's get into the car and pick the others up." Narrator said. Mully looks over at josh and they both are confused. They all then just decided to get into the car and go pick up dose and Alana. When they arrive at dose's house. He is standing outside with Alana with camping equipment and a shit ton of cameras. Mully steps out the car and scratches his head.
"Boys...Today we are camping!" Dose said.
"WHAT!" Josh said surprised.
"Mexicans don't deal with this shit...Skinwalkers live in woods!" Eddie said scratching his skin.
"I love camping!" Juicy said in a chippy voice. Everybody grabbed a bag or something to hold and took it too the car. Mully used his foot to open the trunk. They then dumped everything inside and when they got back inside the car dose pulled out his camera.
"Welcome back to another boys video! Today we are camping!...That's literally it!" Josh laughed.
"Yeah. We have all the equipment! It all stuffed into the back. Dose show!" Mully said. Dose pointed the camera over and everybody laughed.
"So! Let's get to camping!" Eddie said. Mully started the car and they headed to the campsite.
Theboys got out the car and dose filmed again.
"Okay so we are here at the location. The sun is almost setting so let's get everything done quickly!" Mully said. They got the equipment out the back and they then took the long walk through the woods. Twigs snapped beneath there feet. Birds chipped and some strange whistles here and there. They got pretty far into the wooded area and found a clear bit. Dose filmed.
"Okay. This is really fucking creepy now because we've walked a few miles! It's fucking dark! So we are using lights and shit!" Mully giggled nervously. Dose set the camera on a tripod and helped the boys set up 7 tents. Alana kept watch behind the camera. She kept looking behind her though as she thought she could sense something.
"Alrighty guys! We've just set up out tents! This is going to be really fucking fun!" Mully said. A little while later as everybody was in there tents not asleep. Twigs snapped outside. Again the whistling was heard but only by Eddie and he was freaked out. He filmed on his phone.
"I don't know if you guys and hear this. But I hear fucking whistling coming from outside! It sounds fucking close too! " Eddie said scared. He put the phone on selfie mode and stared at the phone. His eyes nearly popping out his head his face nearly white with fear. As Eddie lay there with the phone a massive thump came from behind his tent making him sit bolt up. Eddie then put his phone down and began to softly cry. Meanwhile in Alanas tent she was hearing shit too. She even got out her phone and began recording.
"Guys. I'm hearing twigs snapping out here. I'm not sure if my phone will pick it up! But listen" Alana said holding her phone up against her tent. Twigs did snap and something very strange happened. As she held the phone up against the tent a voice spoke to her very softly making her drop the phone.
"Oh my god..." Alana freaked out. She upzipped her tent and grabbed her phone turning on the light. She looked around with it but nothing was there. She went to where she held her phone on the outside though. As she bent down and looked. A hand mark was on the tent. Alana covered her mouth and before she could stand up she was grabbed from behind and her mouth was covered. She kicked her legs as her phone fell. She would never be seen again...


Camping In The Woods Gone WrongWhere stories live. Discover now