The group slowly began to creep down the corridor with weapons in hand. As they walked a bit they came upon a door.
"Guys...We need to check inside rooms" Mully said. Everybody looked confused.
"Are you kidding me?...Bro we might die!" Juicy said. Dose covered his mouth.
"Be quiet...God...Okay. Let's just take a peek okay then we'll leave" Dose said. Mully nodded and he slowly pressed on the door and opened it. He pushed it open and peeked inside. He couldn't see anything so he pushed further. As he looked around the room he seen a person sitting in the corner legs up and arms wrapped around rocking back and forth crying.
"Mully...cmon man we have to go!" Juicy said getting impatient. As Mully locked eyes with the person they slowly raised there head and stared at Mully. There eyes where white.
"Oh my god..." Mully said scared closing the door.
"What was it?" Narrator asked.
"They where blind!" Mully said. As he said that footsteps came down the corridor. Everybody got scared and so decided to run down the corridor and turn left. They all took a deep breath and waited for the footsteps to clear. Once they cleared Narrator turned to everybody.
"Guys...We need a plan and now!" Narrator said. Mully rolled his eyes and took a sigh of anger. Then all of a sudden another alarm goes off. The lights began to go red and black. Narrator immediately hugged everyone and a tear fell from his eye. They could hear footsteps....
"Narrator what are you doing?" Dose asked.
"I'm helping you guys out!" Narrator said. He stepped into the middle of the corridor and a guy bumped into him. They held a needle in one hand and he stared at him in the face. Narrator had tears that he was holding back but he knew he had to do this for his friends...The Guys could see narrator but not the guy with the needle. All they then saw was narrators head go back as a hand was there with a needle.
"No!" Juicy teared up covering his mouth. Narrator slowly fell to the floor...The alarm stopped and narrator was dragged off....Mully grabbed juicys hand and walked back into the corridor. They all fast walked down the corridor and had a quick look in rooms as they went through....
Many minutes go by. The guys had gone down a couple more corridors and reached the final doors. It was juicy that went into a door and peeked inside. He looked around and seen a person in a ball on the floor.
"Oh it's Eddie!" Juicy said excited. He burst into the room and ran to him. Everybody else followed behind and closed the door behind. Juicy knelt beside Eddie and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Eddie! It's me!" Juicy said happy. Eddie stayed still. Juicy tapped on his shoulder but still nothing.
"Eddie!" Juicy said shaking Eddie. As he did Eddie make cracking noises.
"'s sounds...Like he's been frozen or he's been extremely cold" Alana said. Juicy stood up and he had tears rolling down his face. Mully seen this and immediately hugged him.
"I'm so sorry..." Mully said rubbing his back. Juicy cried into his shoulder and dose and Alana joined in with the hug. While they hugged footsteps walked down the corridor. They all split from the hug and walked to the door peeking out.
"Guys listen to me...Okay I'm going to go..Okay and you guys run!" Alana whispered. She exited the room and stood outside acting like she was lost. The guys stood in the room having to listen and wait. Alana was greeted by gentleman wearing a suit and a face mask.
"Ma'am you shouldn't be here" the gentleman said.
"Sorry..I stumbled in here and now I'm lost" Alana said. The gentleman looked her up and down and stomped his foot on the floor. Two other guys came running over wearing yellow full body suits. The gentleman left. Alana gulped and her eyes began to water. One of the men took there hand from there backs and he was holding a needle with some liquid inside. Alana didn't try to run but still the other guy grabbed her arm and pulled her in holding her tightly as the guy shoved the needle into her arm.
"Ahhhhh!!!...Omg...It's burning!!..." Alana cried. The guys waited for only a minute and Alana was passed out. Meanwhile the guys inside the room heard all this and nearly cried. They heard her being dragged away though and they left the room. They ran down the corridor like they were told and soon enough they found an exit door. They burst through it and they found themselves in the woods again. They smiled and all hugged on and other and closed the door.
"Guys...What about narrator and Alana..." dose said. They split from the hug.
"We have to leave them behind I'm afraid..If we go back we will get taken too. Even worse we might get killed" mully said.
"So we just leave are friends to die!" Juicy cried.
"Juicy its how it has to be..It's lucky me and you and him are alive" mully said.
"Guys...What about josh?" Dose said. All three looked at one and other and looked around the woods. It was almost day time so josh should be awake.
"We should call out for him. Surely we cannot be that far" mully said. As they walked through the woods they called out his name. For a while they didn't get anything back. That was until the sun properly came out and the guys stumbled upon a tent. They ran up to it and it saw it was a newish tent. They went to the front of it and unzipped it. Inside they found josh asleep...Very asleep.
"Awww...He sleeping" mully said. Juicy left the two to awe over josh and he sat on the floor opposite the tent. Tears rolled down his face as he played with the dirt on the floor. Dose turned around and seen juicy and went over to him sitting beside him.
"Hey. What's up?" Dose asked putting his arm around him. Juicy sniffled.
"I just really miss them...They're gone and it's our fault!" Juicy cried. Dose embraced him trying not cry himself.
"I know it's hard..It's hard for all of us. It's nobody's fault..Okay." Dose said rubbing his shoulder. Juicy said up and looked at Dose in the eyes. Mully was too distracted and juicy and dose shared a small kiss. Then that moment josh kinda woke up. Juicy and dose jumped up from the floor stretching and acting normal.
"Josh!" Mully said poking his leg. Josh sat up in the bed and yawned rubbing his eyes.
"What...What the fuck is going on?" Josh asked. Mully laughed and stood up. Josh crawled out the tent stood up stretching.
"Fucking hell...How long was I asleep for!" Josh asked yawning and stretching. Mully looked at juicy and dose back at josh.
"How awake are you?" Mully asked. Josh coughed.
"I'm awake." Josh said.
"Can we sit and talk." Mully said. Josh nodded.
"You left my sister in there!" Josh said unhappy.
"There was nothing we could do man...She's gone so is Eddie and narrator...I'm sorry but it's how it is..." mully said.
"This is not right...They cannot of does. They are in there and probably being tortured right now!" Josh said getting upset:
"Listen..Josh they are dead...We cannot do anything about...We cannot do anything about it..." Juicy stuttered and cried. Josh covered his face and broke down into tears....


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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