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Her best-friend : „ FUCK YEAH GIRL. Ok get your ass up And take the train to my place. "
I quickly packed my pyjamas, hygiene, make-up And So make-up remover, pair of socks, panties And some snacks.
Ella : „ Me too but there's one issue. "
Anne : „ Whats Wrong? "
Ella : „ Well my parents aren't home.. "
Anne : „ Thats good isn't it? "
Ella : „ But- "
Anne : „ But what? "
Ella : „ Adam Is. "
Anne : „ Well i dont give a damn fuck about that ugly cockcroach mother-fucker. "
Even tho He was hot af, i had to make my bestie sure that i dont want to have something with her Brother. I quickly told my parents And well... They didnt even care. They only gaved me some money for the train And i took care of myself. I called Ella the moment i Went out.
Anne : „ Hey bitch. "
Ella : „ Yea bitch? "
Anne : „ Im just going to be calling you cause Its already dark And im fucking scared that some creep Will show up to me And kidnap me if you know what i mean? "
Ella : „ yea sure bitch. "
Anne : „ ok bitch do ima just be telling you a Story that i told you like thirty five times already but i Gotta make sure that the next place im walking up Is your house And not some random basement. "
Ella : „ Yea sure bitch, i wont listen to it anyways. "
I told her some stories about my family cause i didnt really knew what to say. I getted on the train on time. after Like 20 minutes later it stopped at my station. I got off And nervously Walked Like mile Till i get to Ella's house. I ringed the Bell at the doors. I was expecting Ella to come open, but Adam showed up. He was shirtless and looked at me confused.
Adam : „ A-Anne? W-What Are you doing here? "
Anne : „ Well, im sleeping over, Haven't your sister told you? "
Adam : „ The fuck She did not. "
Anne : „ Well I'm here Now. "
Adam : „ *sight* Come inside i Guess. "
Anne : „ Thanks.. "
I Walked inside, putted my backpack Down And turned around to him.
Anne : „ Could you do me a Favor ? "
Adam : „ Yea sure, what Is it? "
Anne : „ Could you please put on a fucking shirt ? "
He stood there for a while.
Adam : „ Oh yeah, sorry. "
He sprinted in his room for some clothes. I came after him but waited Outside. I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed.
Anne : „ You Done? "
Adam : „ Yea, just a minute. "
Anne : „ Mkay, where Is She anyway? "
He came out of his room with And oversized shirt on him.
Adam : „ wheres who? "
Anne : „ Who do you think. Your sister maybe? "
He camed to me, pinned me to the wall, grabbed my Chin with the other hand.
Adam : „ Why So sarcastic huh? "
I felt kidna butterflied but dizcused at the Same time. I pushed him Away As quickly As i could.
Anne : „ Off of me you fucking jerk. "
I Walked to the hallway And picked up my backpack. He rushed to me.
Adam : „ Here, let me help you. "
I stepped back.
Anne : „ No thanks, im good. "
I took it to Ella's room and asked him again.
Anne : „ So, will you Tell me where She is? "
Adam : „ In the shower. "
Anne : „ Great. "
I grabbed my hygiene And Went to the bathroom.
Adam : „ why Are you going in here, i told you she's in the shower. "
Anne : „ I know. "
I opened the door And smiled at him as i closed it.
Anne : „ Hi bitch. "
Ella : „ Huh?! What the fuck Are you doing here, how did you get inside?! "
Anne : „ Well, your annoying ass Brother letted me in. "
He yelled throught the hall.
Anne : „ I dont give a fuuck. "
Ella laughed at it.
I waited for her to get Done And meanwhile i putted my hair into messy bun.
Ella : „ Turn around please. "
Anne : „ No problem bitch "
She dried herself And then putted on her pyjamas.
I took shower right after her. In the shower i realised that i dont have any towel prepared.
Anne : „ Bitch, could you please get me towel? "
Noone responded.
Anne : „ BITCH!!! "
I suddently Heard a door opening. A moment later i saw someone putting a towel on the radiator.
Anne : „ Thanks bitch. "
Adam : „ No problem. "
I was shocked to hear his voice instead of ella's.
Anne : „ WHAT THE- GET OUT!! "
Adam : „ I thought you wanted a towel. "
Anne : „ Oh you know that i wanted it from her, not from you, Now get the fuck out od here. "
Adam : „ No thank you ? "
Anne : „ OUT!!"
Adam : „ Okay, fine im leaving. "
He shutted the bathroom door after He left And i calmed my self down. I finished showerimg, tuck my self in Towel And carefully opened the door. He was not anywhere So i quickly sneaked to Ella's room. I saw her lying on bed with her headphones on.
Anne : „ Like hello? I asked you for towel three times And the little princess Is in her room listening to k-pop?! "
She took off her headphones And turned to me.
Ella : „ could you repeat please? "
I rolled my eyes.
Anne : „ Ugh... Be more avalible for me next time while im at your place. "
I came Closer to her And whisper :
Anne : „ Because I dont really want to be hooked up with your fucking Brother "
Ella : „ He wanted to Hook up?! "
Anne : „ Yeah but i declined"
Ella : „ Good, cause He Is pretty big player And a fuckguy. "
Anne : „Bitch i know you already told me like five times. "
Ella : „ i know, im just reminding you, cause i know you have dory's memory. "
Anne : „ yeah yeah haha. "
I leaned to my backpack on the floor And pulled out my pyjamas.
Anne : „ Can you Turn around? "
Ella : „ yea. "
She turned around and i Changed. After i've putted on my pyjamas i sat next to her.
Anne : „ Okay So what shall we do? "
Ella : „ Probably watch a movie? "
Anne : „ Okay but wich one? "
Ella : „ Friends with benefits? "
Anne : „ Deal, i haven't seen that in a while. "
Ella : „ okayy. Ima get the laptop. "
She getted up And Walked to the living room to get it. Meanwhile i checked my phone And my mother texted me.
Anne's Mother : „ Be Home untill 6 pm sunday. Grab some bread on your way here. "
Anne : „ Yea, sure. "
I noticed Adam in perifer view as he was leaning on the door frame and stared at me. I looked at him.
Anne : „ What do you want? "
Adam : „ Nothing much, what Are you up to? "
Anne : „ We are about to watch a movie, She just Went to living room for laptop. "
Adam : „ May i join you two? "
Anne : „ Ofcourse not fucker. "
Adam : „ Thanks! "
He jumped on the bed next to me. He made him self comfortable And Went on his phone. A while later i smelled male perfume. I looked at him Like tfuck. I getted up a Walked to the living room. I saw my bestie in here searching for something.
Anne : „ You need help? "
Ella : „ Im looking for uhh.. Silver laptop. "
Anne : „ Let me help ya. Also, your bitch ass Brother Is getting little too comfortable in your room.
Ella : „ What do you mean? "
Anne : „ He wants to watch the movie with us. "
She rolled her eyes And Went to her room. Few moments later i saw Adam walking out of her room. He looked pissed. I waited for him to pass And then i Went to my besties room.
Anne : „ You got it? "
Ella : „yeah, shall we get started? "
Anne : „ Yeah sure. Ima just get something. "
Ella : „ What Is it ? "
I leaned to my backpack for some snacks.
Anne : „ Close your eyes. "
Ella : „ I'm scared. "
Anne : „ Dont be. "
She closed her eyes And i Landed an Sprite can in her hand. She opened her eyes.
Ella : „ Oh Lord, Thanks bitch. "
Anne : „ No problem bitch. "
We started watching the movie. She fell asleep in the half. I turned off the laptop, carefully Went to brush my teeth and Went back to her room. She was peacefully sleeping, i wanted to sneak next to her but she was all over the bed. I thinked What to do for a while And then i saw light coming out od a
Adam's room. I came in. I saw him on his bed
Anne : „ Heyy uhh... "
He looked at me.
Adam : „ Yeah? "
Anne : „ I have nowhere to sleep, can i use in your parents bedroom? "
Adam : „ If Its not locked then yes. "
Anne : „ Why would it be locked? "
Adam : „ I dont really know, our parents never told us, but they always lock it when they leave for the night. "
Anne : „ Where Are they anyways? "
Adam : „ They went on spa stay. "
Anne : „ Till when? "
Adam : „ Sunday. "
Anne : „ Okay, ima check. "
I Went infront of the bedroom And tryied to open the door. It was locked So i came back.
Anne : „ Its locked. "
Adam : „Well, shit. "
Anne : „ What Now? "
Adam : „ Ima try find spare key. "
Anne : „ Oh.. Okay. "
He getted up And Walked all around the house. Meanwhile i sat in the kitchen to dining table.After while he came to me, He looked hopeless.
Anne : „ Nothing? "
Adam : „ Nope. "
Anne : „ Is there any other place i can sleep? "
Adam : „ I mean Like, you can sleep with me if you want. "
Anne : „ WHAT?! "
Adam : „ I- I MEAN Like next to me, not with me, sorry. "
I relifed.
Anne : „ O-Okay, well, Is that the last opition? "
Adam : „ Im afraid yes. "
I thought about it for a while.
Anne's 💭 : „ I mean there's nothing i can do with that. "
Anne : „ Alright then, but dont do anything sexual. "
Adam : „ Yea, yea dont worry. "
He Went to his room And i Went right after him. He sat to his computer. I sat on his bed to the corner.
Anne : „ Your not going to sleep? "
Adam : „ No, not yet, you can tho. "
Anne : „ Can i get something to cover atleast? "
Adam : „ Oh yeah, sure. "
He leaned to some bucket, pulled out some blanket And throwhed it on me.
Anne : „ Thanks, goodnight. "
Adam : „ Night. "
I covered my self with it and fell asleep after while.

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