five - parent trap

Start from the beginning

"Did you get something?" Sam chased after the girl as she left the library cheerfully.

"Don't you worry, Samuel!" Madeleine sung as she hopped into the passenger seat, "You've got a date!"


Samuel knocked on the door of Kamorie's hotel room, clad in a dress shirt and a new pair of jeans Madeleine had insisted on buying for him.

He was nervous, almost like he had been on his first date with Jessica. He assumed that was a good thing, though he cursed himself for comparing Kamorie to Jess.

He could hear commotion from inside, though it wasn't malicious, it sounded almost like giggling.

"Florence go and sit on the damn couch!" Kamorie spoke from inside the hotel room, trying to get her sister to stop jumping on the bed, "I mean it!"

Then the door swing open, and there she stood. Kamorie was dressed in a pair of wide leg blue jeans and a white dress shirt, debatably a few sizes too big for her.

"Hey, sorry for the mess." Kamorie smiles, practically hugging the door, "Come on in."

Sam smiles, stepping into the room and allowing for Kamorie to close it swiftly behind him, "Florence." he greeted the girl perched on the couch.

"Sam." She nodded, "It's nice to see you again."

"Uh, yeah, you too." Sam nodded, standing awkwardly by the door as Kamorie rushed around the room to make sure Florence would be okay for the night.

"So sorry, i hate leaving her alone, just have to make sure she'll be okay for the night." Kamorie looked back at the brunette, "It was nice hearing from you so soon."

"No, yeah, it was nice to hear from you too." Sam walked forwards a little, "You know, i could always ask my family to come watch her for the night, Asia loves kids."

Kamorie stood up straight, considering the offer. And then Florence spoke excitedly, "Will they play hide and seek with me?"

"The girls will, but Dean may need a little convincing." Sam chuckled at her excitement.

"I don't want to be of any bother to them." Kamorie winced.

"You'd be doing them a favour, all they were gonna do tonight was eat two day old pizza." Sam grimaced at the thought.

"Please Kammie?" Florence pleaded, batting her eyelashes at the girl.

"Uh, okay, okay, yes, if they would." She gave in with a deep sigh.

"I will call them now." Sam points to his phone, walking to the far corner of the room. Kamorie sits on the couch with a sigh, feeling a little of her stress recede at the possibility that her sister will have some fun.

"I'll leave you twenty bucks to get a pizza or two, okay?" Kamorie spoke quietly to her sister, throwing an arm around her, "Come here." Florence leans into the embrace just as Sam walks back over.

"They said they'll be here in 15 minutes." He nodded with a smile.

"I promise i don't leave her alone too often, I just don't have anyone i know here in Vegas to watch her." Kamorie explains, "And it's not everyday you get asked to dinner by a cute guy, you know?"

Sam faces her with a confused frown, "You think i asked you out?"

"Well, yeah?" She spoke, almost unsure of her own words, "I have the texts on my phone."

"No, you texted me and asked me out." Sam furrowed his brows, pulling out his phone and showing her the messages.

"Uh oh." Florence muttered subconsciously, tensing under Kamorie's sharp gaze.

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