three - the turtle and the hare

Start from the beginning

"Drained of blood?" Asia guessed, her gaze stuck on the image of the smiling girl Hannah had once been. The Sheriff nodded.

"And this missing girl?" Asia asked, tearing her eyes from the board.

"Tori Hasen, was last seen with our latest victim Carly Dane in the skate park around 1400 hours two days ago. Parents reported her missing when she didn't come home this morning."

"So why didn't they report her missing earlier?" Sam asked.

"She was supposed to be staying at Carly's house last night."

"Alright, we thank you for your time, we'll get out of your hair." Dean smiled at the Sheriff, shaking his hand once again before they all turned to the door.


The four hunters sat around a table in the local diner stuffing their face full of fries and burgers. Sam sat with a laptop open in front of him, researching some more about the local area.

"So, there's a few abandoned buildings in the area." Sam raised his brows, causing Madeleine to look over his shoulder.

"Yeah, if by a few you mean twenty three." She scoffed, stuffing a fry into her mouth.

"I'm gonna talk to the Hasen family with Asia, see if they know anything, you two should speak with the Dane family, and then we'll regroup." Dean spoke, throwing what was left of his burger back onto the plate.

"Try not to get lost in her eyes during the interview this time." Madeleine mocked, earning a smile from Sam.

"It was one time." Dean scoffed, wiping his mouth on a napkin, "And i was under the effects of a hex bag."

"If that's your story." Madeleine sung, following Sam out of the booth and to the car.

"It's not a story if it's the truth!"


"When was the last time you saw Carly?" Sam asked the distraught mother sitting before them, Madeleine passing her the box of tissues.

"Thank you my dear." she took a tissue, patting her eyes dry, "She came home from school on Friday with Tori, and then they went for a walk in the forest and- and they never came back."

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs Dane." Sam spoke with soft eyes.

"Where abouts in the forest?" Madeleine asked, remembering the map of all of the abandoned buildings around.

"Right behind the park."

"And did you notice a change in her behaviour at all before she went out? Maybe a new friend?" Sam asked, brows furrowed.

"No, no not at all! Carly was a good girl! She never lied to me!" The woman defended her daughter with tearful eyes. Madeleine caught sight of a young teenager on the stairs, quickly excusing herself to go and talk to him.

"Hi, i'm Madeleine."

"Toby." he barely looked at her.

"Do you know where your sister went that night?" Madeleine asked him, his eyes darting around the floor.

"Probably on a date with some random."

"What makes you say that?"

"Carly and Tori were on this online dating app. They would go out on these 'walks' and would come home with flowers and all sorts of gifts." he grimaced at the memory.

"Do you know where they would go?" she asked the boy.

"No, they would always message the guy first. She left her laptop open once and i saw the app open."

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