chapter 12

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The next morning the scene shows of Tsireya and her brothers Aonung and Roxto dive in the water

Neteyam: come on

YN: this gonna be fun

YN Lo'ak and Neteyam jump in the water as Kiri and Tuktirey jumps in tbe water they all look around and see how beautiful everything is YN Lo'ak Neteyam and Tuktirey followed Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo as Tuktirey climbed on YN back and continued swimming until Tuktirey tap his shoulder and point it up that she need to breathe YN swim up and reach the surface as him Tuktirey Lo'ak and Neteyam starts to breathe

YN put his head under water and sees Tsireya

Tsireya sign language: swim together with us

YN was confused since he barley know anything about sign language then him Lo'ak Neteyam and Tuktirey hold their breath and go under water again and follow Tsireya Aonung Rotxo they were fast in the water then they need to air and they swim up

Aonung sign language: what's wrong with them

Rotxo sign language: those guys are bad divers

Tsireya sign language: stop they're learning

Aonung rolls his eyes and him Tsireya and Rotxo swim up to the surface

Tsireya: are you all right

Tuktirey: you're too fast wait for us

YN: man how long can you hold your breath

Tsireya: just breathe breathe

Aonung: you are not good divers maybe good swinging through trees but

Tsireya slap his head

Lo'ak: come on bro

YN: I'm not good diving but I'm good at flying

Neteyam: we don't speak this finger talk guys we don't know what you're saying

YN: it's actually called sign language Neteyam and he's right we don't understand sign language

Tsireya: I will teach you

Roxto: where is Kiri

Tuktirey: Kiri

Aonung: who

Rotxo: Kiri where is Kiri

Tsireya: did you see her

YN: no I thought she was behind us I'll search for her

YN goes under water and search for his half sister he found her and she was playing with the sea creatures YN smiled at his half sister then he slowly got behind her and scared her as she jumps Kiri turned around and see her brother they go to the surface

Kiri: you jerk don't do that

YN: what's wrong scared that's something will get you and eat you in the water

Kiri: shut up Deadweight

The scene shows of Aonung doing a animal call as a sea creatures were seen

Aonung: these are ilu if you want to live here you have to ride

YN watch Lo'ak ride a ilu but fallied since this was different then a ikran YN laugh a little

YN: it sucks to be you guys because I need a ilu

Aonung: of you can't demon boy you're not even Na'vi

YN: yeah I don't because

YN jetpack activates and his wings spread out

YN: I can fly bitch

YN flys straight up making the water Splash everyone as Tsireya watch YN flys in the sky and he fly passed them


The scene shows of YN Lo'ak Kiri Neteyam with Tsireya and Rotxo seating on a rock together as they learned how to hold their breath longer

Tsireya: breathe in

Tsireya takes a deep breath as YN Lo'ak Kiri and Neteyam do the same

Tsireya: and breathe out

They breathe out

Tsireya: imagine a flickering a flame you must slow down your heartbeat

Tsireya place her hands on YN chest making him nervous and he blushed

Tsireya: breathe in

YN takes a deep breath

Tsireya: breathe from down here breathe out slowly

YN breathe out slowly and he was really nervous

Tsireya: YN your heartbeat is fast

YN: sorry

Tsireya: try to focus

YN: okay

Tsireya: breathe in

YN takes a deep again as Neteyam Lo'ak and Roxto were laughing a little since YN was really nervous around Tsireya

The scene shows of YN Lo'ak Neteyam Kiri Tsireya and Tuktirey YN made thrusters to make him go faster underwater as his siblings were on ilu's along with Tsireya they swim around and they all swim up the surface

YN: this is fun

Tsireya: you are learning to breathe

The scene shows of YN with Tsireya he was practicing of holding his breathe again and he'll have to go without using underwater thrusters with this

Tsireya: the way of water has no beginning and no end the sea is around you and in you the sea is your home before your birth and after your death our hearts beat in the womb of the world our breath burns in tne shadows of the deep the sea gives and sea takes water connects all things life to death darkness to light

YN goes in the water Tsireya throw a shell in the water YN takes a deep breath as he goes underwater and starts swimming down to get the shell without using underwater thrusters YN goes deeper and he grabbed the shell he sees how deep he was YN starts swimming up and he made to the surface

YN: I got it

Tsireya: you did it

YN and Tsireya had a good laugh together

To be continue

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