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YN: mom why do I have wear this stupid thing

Grace: because YN the air outside isn't safe to breath this Exo pack will help you breath outside so don't take it off

YN: fine

YN and his mother Grace walk outside of the Planet Pandora it was a beautiful place this is where YN will now living now YN and his mother Grace left the ship and they go inside a building

Grace: okay YN you take it off it's safe to breath here

YN: thank God

YN takes off the Exo pack


Some time of living here YN is laying on his bed as he couldn't sleep since it's gonna take a while to get use of living on this new planet

YN: you know what I'm going to explore here

YN leaves his room and started sneaking around trying to not get spotted his mother Grace said that he can explore anywhere as long it's not a restricted area YN wanted want to see what's in the lab so he carefully sneaks into the lab as no one was seen

YN: okay let's see what I can find cool

YN starts looking around the lab trying to find anything cool he does saw some the upcoming programs YN was getting bored since he couldn't find anything cool then YN find something that look cool it was a little robot beetle

YN starts looking around the lab trying to find anything cool he does saw some the upcoming programs YN was getting bored since he couldn't find anything cool then YN find something that look cool it was a little robot beetle

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

YN: huh you're cool

Then YN heard someone coming he quickly hide because you're not to get seen as he quickly and quietly sneaks out of the lab and go back to his room of he didn't know that the little robot beetle was in his backpack pocket YN had gotten back to his room and fall asleep

The next day YN is in his room with some friends they were doing some homework that they gotten then one of YN friends pencil breaks

Steven: ahh crap hey YN you got an extra pencil

YN: yeah it should be my backpack

Steven goes through YN backpack to find extra pencil and he saw the robot beetle in YN backpack

Steven: YN what is this

YN: what is what

Steven: this

Steven hold out the robot beetle

YN: what the hell how did that get in my backpack

Steven: what is this thing

YN: I don't know it's something I saw in the lab last night

Steven: the lab

YN: okay last night I snuck in the labs and saw that I should probably put it back where it was

Bethany: are you crazy YN if you showed up with that they'll probably think you stole it

YN: that's because when lunch break start I'm going to sneaking back into the lab and put it back where it was so no one will figure out

YN grabbed the robot beetle as it started glowing blue like it turned on

Bethany: how did you get it to do that

YN: I don't know I just touched it

YN looks at the robot beetle and then he pet it and it look like it

YN: I think it like me

It then jumped on YN face Bethany screamed in panic and Steven was panicking as YN was trying to get it off his face


Steven trys to get it off YN face but he was hit by electricity as he was launch into a bookshelf the beetle then crawl under YN shirt and goes on his back then attach itself on his back

Bethany: YN

Then Spike like claws came out of his back YN was on the roof and something was covering his entire body and it began to look like armor then YN fell on the ground as he slowly got up back on his feet Steven and Bethany saw that YN was complete looking different

Then Spike like claws came out of his back YN was on the roof and something was covering his entire body and it began to look like armor then YN fell on the ground as he slowly got up back on his feet Steven and Bethany saw that YN was complete lo...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

YN saw that his vision had a HUD now like a video game as he feels stronger now than before

YN: what the

Steven: YN

YN: Steven

???: host acquire

YN: who said that

Bethany: who said what

Then something on YN back what look like a jetpack activates

YN: it's gonna be okay everything is gonna be oka-

YN was then launch in the air and he was flying up into the sky then he stop as he sees that he was now in space

YN: oh my god I'm in space

???: Re-entry systems ready

YN: what what what what

YN then starts falling back down to the plant he screamed in panic as he falls back to land YN closed his eyes then he stop as wings were activated stop him being from hitting the ground hard he opens his eyes and he saw his reflection in water

YN then starts falling back down to the plant he screamed in panic as he falls back to land YN closed his eyes then he stop as wings were activated stop him being from hitting the ground hard he opens his eyes and he saw his reflection in water

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

YN: what is going on

To be continue

Avatar The Rise Of The Blue Beetle Of Pandora (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin