Meredith's pager beeped, and she pulled it out to read the message. "Webber needs one of us to walk Bailey into her surprise breakfast thing this morning." She told them five of them.

"I vote Meredith." Ophelia offered. The others all showed their argeement. "Have fun, Merry."

"I hate all of you." She said.


Walking into the attendings lounge, Ophelia walked over to Callie and dramatically threw her arms around her.

"What's up with you?" She asked.

"She stayed up all night because she thought today was her day off, but it got changed, so now she's exhausted." Maggie told her.

"I went on a date." She told the Latina. That made her look up.

She went on to tell Maggie, Amelia and Ophelia about her, all while rubbing a comforting hand along a half-alseep Ophelia's back, Amelia watching her hands with a look she couldn't determine.

"I think... I mean, I just... I barely know this woman. We had, like, two dates last week." She said. "She asked to see me again tonight. It's crazy. I can't stop thinking about her. You know when you meet someone and you get that flutter, that rush, and it feels like you know them and they know you, and you think to yourself, "I could stare at this person's face forever"?" She asked them.

"Nope." Ophelia said, half-asleep.

"So, I looked it up, and Bailey's the first." Arizona said, interupting the group. Ophelia detached herself from Callie and wrapped herself around Arizona, who hugged her back. "Did you stay up all night again?" She asked her.

"I was supposed to be off, but it got changed." Ophelia whined into Arizona.

"First what?" Amelai asked, trying her best to ignore Arizona's hands on Ophelia.

"First female Cheif of Surgery of this hospital." Arizona said. "Before that, all men."

"I say it's about time." Jackson shouted over.

"And all the department Cheif's are ladies." Amelia pointed out. "Neuro, Cardio..." she said, pointing to herself, and then Maggie.

"We got trauma." Jackson said, pointing at Owen.

"Excuse me, I basically ran that department while April was gone!" Ophelia shouted at him.

"Ortho. Fetal." Amelia said pointing at Callie then Arizona.

"Badass!" Callie said. "Ladies. This place is run by ladies. It's 'ladyplace'"

"No. It is not ladyplace. Ladyplace is what my grandma calls her vagina." Maggie said. "To anyone who will listen, by the way, she is not shy. No, we can't call this place ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, sweet raunchy, old lady's vag eveytime I walk through the doors." She said with a shudder.

"Me neither but I will now." Alex said sadly.

"She's coming, she's coming! OK?" Webber said from his position from at the window. They all quickly rushed to cover the cake that was on the table.

Meredith opened the door to reveal Bailey. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all here. But if you had read your e-mail, you would have known that one of the many things that I will be implementing as Chief, is no more weekly attendings' meetings."

•Far Away• ♡amelia shepherd♡Where stories live. Discover now