"We've lived here long before Aunt Tola was born," Sadu informs. "It's close to the royal family's residence since we spend so much time with them. My parents and my aunts don't live here, though."

The pair step inside.

"Only the current advisor, their spouse, and any of their dependents live here. So it's just my grandparents." Sadu turns to his cousin with a wide smile. "I told the family that you'd probably be showing up today, so most of them should be here."

The first to enter the room is a little girl. Her dark brown hair is braided neatly, and her bright blue eyes sparkle with glee. "Sadu!"

"Hey there, Ianu." The boy laughs as the girl launches herself at him. He catches her with ease and props her on his hip. "How's my favorite little cousin?"

Ianu giggles with delight. "I'm good!" She loudly whispers, "Guess what?"

"What?" Sadu plays along as he sets the girl back on the ground.

"Chicken butt!"

Polu and Sadu both chuckle at Ianu's joke.

"Good one, kid." Sadu kneels down to be at eye level with the child. "Hey, remember the cousin I told you was coming over today?"

The girl nods quickly. Her eyes finally land on Polu and she blushes. "Is that him?"

The prince cautiously approaches her and squats next to Sadu. "Hi there, Ianu, I'm Polu. It's nice to meet you."

"You're so tall! Are you a giant?" The girl wonders.

Polu giggles, a lightness settling over his heart. "I'm tall, but not quite a giant."

"Wow." Ianu is starry-eyed.

"Where's everyone else, 'Anu?" Sadu questions.

The girl's blue eyes turn back to the younger boy. "They're in the kitchen."

The boys stand up. "To the kitchen, then."

The three make their way across the house. They pass through a few halls and by more rooms than Polu had seen in a normal home - not that he had encountered many.

As they approach the kitchen, several voices creep into their ears.

"-Just don't see why you're so against him being here!"

"He could be like his father! Arrogant and cruel, and thinks everything belongs to him. I don't want a boy like that to corrupt my family."

A much older voice croaks, "That boy is my cousin, and I have full faith that he means us no harm."

Sadu and Polu exchange nervous glances.

The first voice speaks again. "See, Mom? Grandma Yu says he deserves a chance to prove himself. She's the most direct relative he has here, so I think it's worth listening to her!"

"Gran-Gran is right, Mom. She got to meet Aunt Tola- I think she would know best."

The wind is knocked from Polu's lungs. His heart beats in his ears and his eyes widen. There's still someone alive who knew Mom? I- I can't-

Polu is startled as Ianu runs into the kitchen.

A moment later, a woman's head peeks around the corner. "I hate to break up this lovely conversation, but I think we have a bigger problem to deal with right now."

"What's wrong, Zah?"

Zah's blue eyes meet Polu's. "Tola's son is already here."

A man who looks a great deal like Sadu walks into the entryway. "You must be Polu!"

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