Chapter 1: Meet Superman

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Many of you won't know how it felt like when your seatmate knew nothing other than drawing Superman. It's been a month since I started coming to this school but have never seen him talk as in I've never hear his voice. He will always have a neutral look on every passing seconds. I wonder why he had no friends and the worst is that he had no name. Everyone do call him 'oh boy' so I just gave him the name Superman. He won't respond to any student but if a teacher call him he will only respond with his head. According to the our classmates, he was never attentive in class, he had no notes but trust me he had never fail his tests or exam. He always top the class with 100%.

I really want to know about him, why he had no name? Where he came from? His family? How he managed to get admission into this school without a name? And why he won't stop drawing Superman?

I heard the bell rung for closing and carry my bag before heading to the door. I stopped and look at Superman and coincidentally he raise his head and our eyes met. As usual he was the first to break the gaze before going back to his drawing. I ignored that as always and left for home


"Dhikraa" I shouted from my room and after countdown of 5 she walked into my room frowning
" Ukhty you really need to stop yelling my name. What if jinns fall in love with it" She said and I burst into laughter. My anger thrown out of the window.
" My note is it with you? I mean my computer studies note" I said and she shook her head
"Then where is it"
"Are we using the same note?"

"CONTINUE YELLING AND YOU WILL FIND IT THEN" She shouted back before running out of the room.

Angrilly I stood up and ran downstairs
"Mummy" I called and just then Dhikra and Dhikr chase themselves downstairs fighting again.

"Give it to me" Dhikr said as he ran after Dhikra to collect the samosa from her. Samosa happened to be their favorite and they will always fight over it. I ended up forgetting why I'm here and watch them run around the sitting room.
"Kids" Nanny Zay called and they stop running, glaring at each other.

Nanny Zay is also a Nigerian but was stucked in USA. She is our nanny from childhood and came with us to Nigeria. Zainab was her full name and we shorten it to Zay. But sometimes we do call her granny which she hate. We do call her that whenever we want something from her or want to go out when our parents aren't around. Whenever we call her granny she will quickly let us go and that was back in USA. Eversince we arrived at Nigeria, my parents never allow us to go out saying it is not save.

The door bell ring which brought me out of my thoughts
"I will answer that" I said before walking towards the door after using my hijab
I open the door only to see Superman. I blinked my eyes severally to check if in seeing things. Like seriously it's like I'm in a movie. Superman coming to my house
"As Salam Alaykum" He greeted and my eyes widened.
Now I feel like fainting, Superman can talk and he's a Muslim.
"You have a charming voice" I found myself saying and I bit my tongue to stop spitting out rubbish.
"Miskiyyah" I heard my mum called but ignore her
"Go answer her, I'll wait outside" He said and I nod repeatedly.

I rushed inside and after telling my mum that it's one of my classmates, i ran back outside. He was on a chair outside drawing again.

I sat down beside him and he close his drawing book which is bigger than a Cambridge Dictionary.
"You're a Muslim" I asked and he nod
" I've never seen you in IRS(Islamic Religious Studies) class" I said and he smile
"So you have emotions?" I asked shocked
"Who doesn't have?" He replied and I just nod.
"Your smile charming.... Hmmm why are you here?" I asked and he brought out my computer studies note I've been looking for and almost going mad. He handed it over and I collected it from him.
"I'll leave" He said standing up
"What's your name?" I asked
"Don't have one"
"Wallahi" He said and I froze
"How come you don't have one" i asked
"Personal secret" He said and I nod
"Allah Hafiz." I said and he left

After some seconds I stood up and started following him. Every single place we passed was new to me but I continue to follow him.

Who knows, I might find out something about him.

As Salam Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. So this is the first chapter. I want to know your thoughts on it. Kindly do that in the comment section.

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Thanks lovelies 💖

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