After breakfast when hobi about to go office but ji-ho stop him and say.

"Hobi You know that there is a party at today 7 pm So we'll leave early and you come later in the evening ok?" ji-ho said and hobi nodded.

"Don't worry I come at time" hobi say.

"And remember wear something nice ok" hyunjin said and hobi raised one eye brow.

"Why me? It's function of yoongi and his family why should I wear nice?" hobi asked they both looked eachother.

"N-no it's not like that but you always wear your baggy clothes so your appa is telling you just wear something good" ji-ho explain hobi.

"Ohh that's it?" Hobi again asked. "Why they talking so strange" hobi thought.

"Ofc now go you are getting late be careful at way" ji-ho said and pushed Hobi out of the house.

"Yeah eomma cool down I am going byee" hobi said.

Hobi Went towards his car ,"what happened to them" he again thought and sit in car and drove towards office.

Yoongi saw hobi's car and start follow him until hobi doesn't reach office ,"meet you in evening hoba" he said while looking at hobi went inside of the company After yoongi went gifts shop.

"It's boring day without yoongi" hobi said while looking around his office.


"Okay what should I buy for him....?" Yoongi thought while looking around shop.

Yoongi is looking around but find nothing interesting.

"What can I help you sir" one employee come to yoongi and asked him.

"Actually mam I am looking for gift" yoongi asked.

"Okay So tell me what you need and I'll help you to find it" that employee say.

"Thanks for help so do you have idea what can I buy for my husband" yoongi asked.

"Umm for your husband so what about bracelet" that employee said.

"Not bad can you saw me?" He asked.

"Ofc come with me" she said and take yoongi at jewellery section.

After he went with her. She showed him different bracelets. Yoongi was looking at all the bracelets very carefully but His eyes Stop at one beautiful bracelet with sunflower, leaf design and white pearls on it.

 Yoongi was looking at all the bracelets very carefully but His eyes Stop at one beautiful bracelet with sunflower, leaf design and white pearls on it

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(A/n :- it's beautiful 💜)

"This bracelet is beautiful and best for hobi, sunflower bracelet for my sunflower" yoongi thought and smile in mind.

"Mam can you saw me this" he said while point on bracelet.

"Sure sir" she said with smile.

Yoongi saw bracelet carefully and Decided to buy this.

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