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Hobi doing his work and he keep checking yoongi who was sleeping peacefully. Hobi smile and went towards Yoongi.

Yoongi look so handsome when he is sleeping.
Hobi go towards Yoongi and sit down yoongi's level he shyly smile.

"You know you look more handsome while sleeping I hope I can say to you that I like you so much I know it's just few days since we meet but I like you I wanna tell you but if you didn't feel same way so maybe our friendship will broke and I don't want to lose you i--" he about to say something but he heard knock at door. He saw Yoongi about to eyes open.

He quickly stand up and ran towards his desk he saw Yoongi and yoongi open his half eyes and looked at hobi. hobi saw him while awakward smile and Yoongi looked him confusedly.

"What happened why you are not answering" yoongi asked and hobi remember someone was knocking the door.

"Y-yes" he cleared his throat and say," come in.''

Jiyun came in and say ,"sir you have meeting Let's go"

Hobi nodded and stand up ,"I will coming in sometime ok" hobi say with smile and yoongi nodded with small smile.


Yoongi pov :-

After hobi went to his meeting and I am seating here still my head is ache.

"Arghh this fucking pain" I take medicine in my pocket and went towards hobi's desk to take a water.

I swolled my medicine and put glass again on table.

After take medicine my pain is not too much.i was walking around but suddenly I fill dizzy.

"What's wrong with me aishh" I hold my head with my hand. I have struggling to open my eyes and I fall at the floor this is the last thing I remember after everything is blank.


"Thank you for your efforts noona because of You we got this project" hobi say to jiyun with wide smile.

"Most welcome sir but this idea is yours I am glad we got this project" jiyun say with smile.

They both going to hobi's cabin. They going while talking eachother.

As they both enter in office. They both shock to saw yoongi at the floor.

Hobi quickly went to yoongi and take yoongi's head on his lap and his eyes are getting teary.
Jiyun also came to yoongi and check his forehead.

"Yoongi what happened" hobi say while his voice is so cracked.

"Noona what happened to him" hobi say and finally his hold tears were falling down.

Jiyun never saw hobi like that.

"Don't worry hobi I call doctor ok" jiyun say and hobi nodded.

Jiyun quickly call the doctor and they both put Yoongi on sofa. (A/n :- ofc our yoongi is not too much heavy)

After doctor came and check yoongi and give him one injection.

"Don't need to worry he just take overdose of medicine I gave him injection he wake up in one or half hour" doctor say while smiling.

"Thank you so much doctor for coming" hobi say with smile.

"It's my duty mr.jung" doctor say and take his things," ok I am going if something happened so call me" he politely say and ge out from office.

"See nothing happened and you are crying like something big happened" jiyun say while smack his head.

"Noona!! It's hurt" hobi say, still holding yoongi's hand.

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