So close...

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Atsushi POV

I'm Atsushi Nakajima. I was raised in an orphanage when I was young. They said my family died.
The director had tried to drown me, and he chained me up and more along those lines.

He said I was not allowed to cry. I listened even when I joined the agency... I was happy with them! but something is missing... ever since I was a kid it's like.... I don't know... feeling of an empty spot inside of me it mostly came when the director of the orphanage told me my parents tortured and tried to kill me worse than he ever did, I don't know if I believe it, but the feeling felt horrible when he said my parents died mostly when my dad came up... when i was a kid i still have these little memories of him he loved to throw me in the air and catch me it was fun i miss him a lot. I don't remember much not his face or anything.

It was true that my mom had died when giving birth to me I knew that but my dad dying could not be possible! I just had that feeling that i knew he was alive and trying to protect me from something what that something is i dont know...

I came back to reality when dazai and kunikida were waving their hands in my face saying we had a mission i had got up and went with them we saw ranpo i said hi, but he ignored me I always got a feeling that he does not like me much but i dont know why?
we got in the car with the cab driver, and he took us to this mysterious place kunikida started speaking.

"This is the place guys rumors say that they have heard gunshots and explosions plus-"

His sentence was cut off by small explosions and some gun fire.

"I guess what you said checks out right kunikida~~" dazai spoke like usual.

Kunikida seemed to get mad at dazais comment before they started fighting.

"Guys what if somebody got hurt let's go!" i yelled getting out the car

I started running with the other two behind me i stopped and saw a lot of men and what it seems to be a scientist or doctor being held down with a gun he looked at us with fear kunikida activated his ability

"Doppo poet!"

He got a gun ready just in case i just got in fighting stance the fire went out a few minutes later nobody made moves since the doctor or whatever he is is still there i looked back and saw dazai looking super serious more than ever. i saw why but he looked over and he knew i was confused and pointed to the main guy who came from behind the other men. hair a black color with what seems to be a dark outfit looking serious but not at the same time.

'So he's maybe an executive...? if he has men who follow behind him but something about the man makes me feel uneasy but not at the same time?'

I could see the man more clear than before but then a sudden pain filled my chest and i fell over holding where it hurt but nothing came at me?! it was when i saw that man is.. Is he that scary or is he just THAT evil? what is going on... Soon after I collapsed, i felt my vision going black.

Dazai POV

I saw Atsushi collapse and passed out after he saw mori.. we had to retreat no matter what even though we did not want to. Atsushi was more important than some dumb battle... kunikida was with me on the idea so he picked the kid up

"We won't run next time we see you and whatever you did to Atsushi you will feel 10x more pain than he experienced today!" i said glaring at the mafia boss

Mori POV

huh...? I was confused i didnt do anything to the kid. but what confused me the most was the kids name "Atsushi" i called somebody in from the information divison and asked them for all information on a kid named Atsushi i hope it's MY atsushi i had to leave him with that dumb orphanage because my job and then i go back to check on him and hes gone! these fuckers lost my child!  i can't just leave the port mafia to go searching I'M the boss as much as i wish i could... we had gotten back to the building a few minutes later the informant came back with information documents i sent him away and what i found made me almost get emotional he WAS my baby he really looks like his mother i laughed to myself im glad he seems ok.

 i think he passed out because his tiger remembers me and is probably going to give him a hint before he wakes up. thank god... atsushi i hope to see you soon please dont be mad at me...

Atsushi POV 


I saw the tiger once again hes calm but i don't know why and he was not attacking me. what do i call him?

"Byakko did you need me for something?"

"Hello boy i bring you heard because your father."

"Yes, do you know something about it? Wait, do you know who and where he is!"

"Yes i certainly he was that man standing in that warehouse his name is-"

I woke up before i could get my dads name due to the president shaking me awake


He was shocked at me yelling everybody heard it i was a little loud yea but i need my dads name to find him i got up got my clothes and went home i was kinda irritated but the next morning i went and said sorry for yelling to the president

"I- my apologies president..."

"It is alright Atsushi but what was going on what name?"

'I shouldnt tell him just yet until i'm sure...'

"Nothing... just a dream a weird one..." i lied

"Alright. Yosano didnt find any internal or external injuries so you should be good to move around" the president spoke in his same tone

"Alright thanks!"

somebody at the warehouse...? i need something to eat first i should try that new place down town! i giggled 

"Im going to go get something to eat bye!" 

Mori's son is secretly Atsushi.Where stories live. Discover now