I was back to present when i felt 
arms around my waist.

" arf!" bonbon barked loudly .

" Hey baby.. Lets go?" i said and held Becca's hand .. Bonbon followed us happily. He grow up to be a cheerful dog.

" Why do we always have to go there?" Becca asked while pouting and it made me chuckle.

" I already told you didnt i? Its because of them why you're alive.. " i said and held her hand tighter.

" But i still dont know them. I mean i never met them " she said still with a pout. Shes really cute. With those dimples and bright brown eyes.

" Its ok. They'll understand. " i said with a smile and we continue walking. we stopped to the nearest flower shop and reached our destination.

" Put these flowers there baby.  " i said with a smile and put the other infront of me.

Rebecca Patricia Armstrong . Born December 5, 20xx. Died.. September 12, 20xx.

'Death isnt the end of everything.. Its just a start of another adventure'

Was written on the tomb in front of me.

Yes.. Becky died. Everyone is in too much pain back then because of her sudden death. Noone expected that to happen.

Mama was devastated. It felt like i died with her..  But all we can do was cry.

Jennie blamed her self for what happened.

" Im sorry. Im really really sorry." she said while crying. She even tried to kneel but mama stopped her.

I actually wanted to blame her for what happen. But i know. Becky dont want me to do that. Because we all know that it was not her fault. Its not her fault that we run towards her to stop her. Its not Entirely her fault that she decided to do that. 

" Im really really sorry. I should have died instead and not Becky. Shes too good. It should have been me.. It sho---" but i cut her by a hard slap.

" You still think that way after Becky gave her life to save you!? " i yelled. I dont want to blame her but i cant keep my temper anymore. I  need to do something or else i  might do something unimaginable.

" She saved you! Not just you but also the innocent baby in your womb that you tried to kill along with you!! And yet you still think that way!? How dare you!" i yelled and i watch as she slowly sunk on the floor.

Thats the secret she dont want Becky to tell anyone. That Jennie was pregnant. And the father of her baby suddenly disappeared.

If her family learns about it. They will disown her and cut all their ties with her even tho shes the only Kim in her generation because .. Just because she made a mistake.. she stained the 'pure' name of 'Kim'.

And that day when she tried to kill her self was the day she finally got the courage to tell her parents about her situation. But unfortunately. Her parents got really mad and disowned her.

She dont know what to do. She was too scared. She has nowhere to else go.. She got no one to turned to. And thats what pushed her to commit suicide.

" Freen.. Calm down. Jennie, please Get up.. Im sure Becky dont want to see you like this . We'll help you . Were all here for you." Mama said while wiping Jennie's tears.

Becky's parent did took Jennie.
Together with my mom.. And i.. Including our friends. We helped her.

We all wanted to curse her family for being so cruel. They didnt even try to find her or go to her funeral.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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