Stage 15- First day, First Night

Start from the beginning

" Bec, Wake up. The bus is already here. Come on" i said softly while shaking her shoulder lightly.

She slowly lift her head and looked at me with her sleepy eyes.

" huh?"

" The bus is here lets go?" she nodded and followed me. We walked together towards the bus.

" I wanna sit beside sooyaaa" i heard her say.

Sooyaa again.

But when we stepped on the bus Becky suddenly stopped so i bumped on her.

" Becky why did you stop?" she then pointed at Jisoo while pouting.

I looked at her and she's giving Becky an apologetic smile. She's sitting on the Window side then next to her is Rosé whose face is so red while looking at the other side where Irin and Noey were sitting.

I cant figure it out if Rosé's red face is because she's blushing or she's so mad.

When Irin caught my sight she wink at me.

and i knew it. They planned this.

" Why are you still standing there? There's two empty seat at the back. Come on now so we can go. " professor Lux said. Becky has no choice but to walk and pass Jisoo's seat.

She chose the seat near the window and i sat next to her.

After a couple of minutes the bus started moving. Its so silent. Maybe everyone is sleeping. Its only 4am.

I looked at Beccky she's looking out side the window. I sigh.

" Sorry " i whispered but I'm sure she heard it.

" why? " she asked then looked at me.

" i know you want to sit next to her but you ended up with me. "

" its not your fault. Its ok" then she smiled at me.

I wanted to cry. But i stopped my self. Its not my fault? She really don't want to sit with me. She just trying to be polite. But its still obvious .

" You can sleep on my shoulder. I know youre really sleepy now. " she said.

" I-im ok." i don't want to have a talk right now. My voice might get broken. I'm really about to cry.

" Ok then. Let me sleep on your shoulder instead" then without a warning she lean on my shoulder again.

I rest my back and head on the bus sit. i closed my eyes.

" Sarocha,Who woke you up earlier?" she asked. I didn't open my eyes. I don't want to talk.

" Rosé" i said in a whisper.

" i shouldn't have asked whats obvious. Haha who else would?" she said while giggling.


Said the voice on the back of my head.

" Sarocha.. "

" hmm"

" nothing.. "

I'm trying to sleep this pain away but every time I'm about to fall asleep.

" Sarocha"

" hmm"

" nothing.."

Now my eyes opened and looked at her but i cant see her face.


" You cant sleep.." i interrupted Then she nodded slightly. I sighed then i place my arms around her shoulder.

I Give My First Love To You ( FreenBecky Version)Where stories live. Discover now