Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination

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" But you wont be gone .. You promised me. "

" Freen.. Promises are made to be broken. Please.. " it hurts to see her cry.

" But i'll keep my promise.. I'll prove to you that promises are not always made to be broken." she said in a serious tone then wiped her own tears.

" you want us to be just friends? ok fine. I'll give you what you want...But this friendship wont last... I assure you that.. Because sooner or later.. You'll be the one crawling back to me. Begging me to forgive you for leaving and have you back. " She said with a finally sniff and totally drying off her tears.

I chuckle then pat her head.

" Youre so confident eh? Remember the last time you are this confident? You lose our bet.. "

She the removed my hand from her head and bit it.

" Ouch! Freen!" i said in disbelief as i rub my hand. I can clearly see the marks of her teeth on my skin.

" Thats because i wasnt prepared. But see? if i want some thing. I can always have it. I just proved that to you when i top the entrance exam. "

" About that.. Im really proud of you Freen. " i said and gave her a bright smile which made her blush.

" And i missed you. " i said. Theres no point of denying this fact.

" I missed you too." she answered.

Then we talked just like before. Catching up for the few weeks we missed..

Then i learned that she knew about my attack and i got scolded by her. Then even if im not interested she told me what really is between her and seng.

That she just used him to make me jealous and seng agreed to her.. No one can resist freenbtho. Specially when she went all out on convincing people.

Then my message to her which i dont really intend to send was brought up. But i didnt tell her that. Instead i asked her why she reply like that. And her answer?

" I just want to piss you off. " then she stick her tongue out on me. I shake my head and open up another topic.

" So .. Where are you going to stay now? For sure Aunt Nan wont let you go home everyday that'll be really tiring.. " i said.

And to my surprised. She gave me a very sweet smile.. Which gave me shiver

" Its a secret Becbec" she said then giggled.

We continue to talk more until she noticed something.

" Becky.. Your watch!" she said then held up my hand.

" What about it?"

" Its not working anymore. I'll buy you another one. " she said then tried to remove it but i pulled my hand away. She looked at me with asking eyes and i just gave her a smile and looked at my watch.. Maybe it run out of battery

" Its ok.. I don't have to know the time. Specially when I'm with you.. " i said then looked at her again and smile.

" If i don't know what time is it. Then i can stay much longer with you.. " then i caress her face which is now so red.

Then i lean down and kissed her forehead.

" But because you mentioned it. I think we should go to our class now. You wouldn't want to be late on our first class specially its English. Plus you just ruined the ceremony earlier. " i said and stood up.

She's saying something but i tried to ignored it. But i clearly heard her say ' becky, why?'..


I Give My First Love To You ( FreenBecky Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant