Stage 2- Always Like First

Start from the beginning

" Ms. Chankimha. Please translate this sentence" our teacher said then i looked at freeb whose now looking at me in panic.

Here we go again. I guess she's caught not listening again.

she stood up then look at me while mouthing ' becky help me'.

i shake my head and look at the board.

Then i whispered the answer to her.

" Uhmmhh.. It means.. i love you and it will never change no matter what happen. " she answered nervously.

" correct... Good job .. Ms. Armstrong" our teacher said while glaring at Freen. I sighed then nodded at her.

" and as for you Ms. Chankimha. You should study more and stop always depending on Ms. Armstrong. She wont be with you when you take your entrance exam in college  " our teacher said and with that our English subject ended.

" tsk i really hate that teacher. " Freen said as she sat on her chair.

" You hate all our teachers. " i said as i watch her intertwined our fingers.

" Why cant i depend on you hmm? We'll be together forever. So why not? " she said while pouting.

" Youre being so childish again and in fact.. She's right. I wont be there to help you while youre taking your entrance exam. "

" Who said I'll take any entrance exam huh? tsk. "  i looked at her with my twisted eyebrows.

" What do you mean? We'll be graduating after 3 months."

" I know. " she answered plainly.

" Freen.. Don't you have any plans after graduation?"

" Of course i do! I will convince my Mom to let us get married.. We're already in legal age anyway."

" Freen!" i said my voice went a bit louder.

" Ok . Ok. I'm just joking. But if you wan---"

" Sarocha!" i yelled again then glared at her.

" Fine. I'm taking entrance exam with you. " she said then pout.

No freen. Youre not  .. Im sorry 

I wanna say that.. But i cant 

" Well you better study hard then. " i just simply said.

she pouted and we went to the school changing room. Our next subject is P E  .

I just stared at my PE uniform. Do i still have to wear this? im just sitting in a corner of the gym anyway.

" Hey why aren't you changing yet? " Freen asked  i looked at her and she's fully dressed 

" Ok  . Ok . Don't look at me like that . " i said then started to unbutton my school uniform  .

" ah wait!" Freen said when im about to remove my uniform  . She looked around then look at me 

" Ok  you may continue  " she said.

" Why?" i asked referring to why she stopped me 

" I don't want others to see you naked  . " she said while blushing 

" Crazy. It doesn't matter  " i said then removed my clothes leaving only my underwear and bra    .

I suddenly felt a warm hand on my chest 
I watch as acchan traced the scar on my chest.
i held her hand 

" Its ugly right?" i asked softly  . She just shake her head then lean on me and kiss my scar  ..

" I love it.  You have this because youre strong. You have this because you defeated death before and you can do that all the time  " she said then hugged me tight.

I Give My First Love To You ( FreenBecky Version)Where stories live. Discover now