Chapter Twenty Six

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Ophelia woke up to the sound of beeping. When she opened her eyes and looked around, she realized she was in a hospital room, but it wasn't actually in a hospital. She wasn't sure why she was hooked up to a couple machines, but she decided not to question it.

Barely a moment later, the door of the room opened and a few people walked in. Clint, Natasha, and Paul walked into the room with frowns on their faces. Natasha had her arms crossed in front of her, and Paul had his hands on his hips in his "disappointed" stance.

"Young lady, Agent Barton told me this is your second time ending up under observation because you used too much energy to save someone." Paul said, causing Ophelia to sigh.

"I know, but I had to save him, Daddy, he was dying." She replied, making him smile.

"I know, and I know you've always had a soft spot for saving people," He commented,"especially people you're attracted to." He added, causing her to gasp.

"Dad!" She exclaimed, making him laugh.

"I'm just kidding," He replied,"I love you, Lia, please be more careful from now on." He said, kissing her head, before stepping out of the room.

"You did good, but next time don't pass out. It makes you look crazy." Natasha commented, giving the girl a playful smirk.

Natasha patted the girl's shoulder, before she too stepped out of the room.

"You do that to me again, and I'll kill you before Laura can kill me." Clint stated, making Ophelia frown.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Clint." She replied, and he nodded.

"I know, kiddo," He murmured,"I just worry about you." He added, causing her to smile.

"So, I'm off the hook?" She questioned, making him laugh.

"Not even close," He replied,"Actually, you're coming home with me in a few days, once you're well-rested. Then you're taking time off of this whole superhero gig. You'll only be called when you and I are both really needed. Like the whole world will end if we're not there, otherwise we're retired, sweetheart." He said, causing her to frown.

"Well, if that's what you think is best." She murmured, and he nodded.

"I do," He answered,"Besides, it'll give you time to spend with your little boy," He commented,"Speaking of which, he's outside with Wanda and Pietro right now. He's waiting to see you. So, I'll step out so you guys can talk." He added, causing her to smile.

"See you later." She called, as he walked to the door.

"Oh," He turned towards her after opening the door,"No kissing the speedster," He said, causing her to gasp,"Love you, kiddo!"

"Uncle Clint!" She yelled, but he had ran off.

Wanda and Pietro soon came in the room, and Pietro was carrying Greyson, who had fallen asleep in his arms. Ophelia couldn't keep the smile off of her face, that had made it's way there the moment she seen her little boy.

"Thank you for saving my brother." Wanda said, as soon as she was near Ophelia.

The Maximoff girl wrapped her arms around Ophelia carefully, not wanting to hurt the poor girl by squeezing her too hard.

"You're welcome," Ophelia replied,"but I did what any other person would do." She commented, but Wanda shook her head.

"No, if it wasn't for you, they would've given up on him. You knew he was still alive. You felt it, and you saved him. For that, I'm in your debt, and I'm eternally grateful." She stated, making Ophelia smile once more.

"Yes, thank you for saving me," Pietro smiled,"though it was foolish of you, since you put yourself in danger. You have a little boy to worry about." He said, and Ophelia nodded.

"I know, but I couldn't give up," Ophelia replied,"not on you." She added quietly, and Wanda smiled to herself.

"I'm going to grab us some food, is there anything Greyson can't have?" Wanda asked, deciding to give her brother and Ophelia a little privacy.

"No, he can have just about anything. His favorite is french fries and watermelon right now though." Ophelia answered, and Wanda smiled.

"I'll be right back." Wanda said, before she disappeared from the room.

"Do you, um, for saving me, would you like to go out to dinner one night?" Pietro asked,"It doesn't have to be a date, I just--" He rambled, before Ophelia cut him off.

"I would love to go out with you, Pietro, rather you want it to be a date or not." She replied, making him bite his lip.

"I'd really like it to be a date." He answered, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Okay, me too," She smiled,"You do know, if we were to date, that would mean you're dating someone you plan to be with forever. I mean, I do have a son to worry about, and I can't have just anyone around him, walking in and out of his life." She said, causing him to nod.

"I know," He murmured,"but I like Greyson, and you're pretty great, too. I think I'd like spending time with you both. I think it'll be good for us." He commented, making her smile once again.

She never did believe she would get a date or a boyfriend again after what had happened to her. Most guys wouldn't want to date a woman with a baby, but Pietro didn't seem to mind. He seemed to like the idea. Ophelia was going to get a happily ever after with a boy that accepted her and her son.

Greyson was everything to her, and even though she wanted to go out and save people, she would stop any day just to be with her son. Clint making her take a break from being a superhero was going to be a blessing in disguise. She was going to be able to spend time with her son, and she and her son would be able to bond. She and Greyson would also be able to bond more with Pietro, someone Ophelia hoped would be around for a long time...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, that's it! I may write a part two in the book, but I'm not sure yet.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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