Chapter Sixteen

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Ophelia happened to get lucky, and Greyson was in a good mood, so she'd be able to meet Clint's family. Clint helped her pack some things, mostly Greyson's, before he grabbed most of the bags for her. Greyson slept for most of the traveling time, but about an hour or so before they arrived at the pizza place, Greyson became restless.

"If you pull over, I can get in the back with him and feed him." Ophelia commented, and Clint nodded.

"You think you can hold him in the backseat without being seen by cops?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The windows are tinted real dark, Uncle Clint. I think I'll be fine." She replied, causing him to chuckle.

Ophelia climbed into the backseat the moment Clint pulled over, and he waited to go back on the road until she was ready. She had to grab a blanket to throw over herself, just in case someone could see in the window. She didn't want them getting a flash of her breast. Once she was settled with Greyson, Clint got back on the road and drove to the pizza place.

Ophelia passed him her wallet, as she held Greyson up by her shoulder to burp him. By the time the pizzas were ready and paid for, Ophelia moved Greyson down to lay against her chest to rest. She placed the blanket over his small body to keep him warm, since the air conditioning in the SUV worked very well. Honestly, it was almost cold enough to make her teeth chatter, but she liked it, and she knew Greyson eventually would too.

"You ready to meet the family?" Clint asked, as he pulled on to the road headed to his farmhouse.

"Kind of nervous, if I'm honest, but I'm also feeling excited." She replied, causing him to laugh.

"Don't worry, Laura and the kids will love you." He answered, making Ophelia smile.

Ophelia placed Greyson back into his carseat when they got to Clint's farmhouse, so it would be easier for her to grab a few things. Clint grabbed their bags first, knowing the pizzas and treats wouldn't spoil in the five minutes it took him to carry things inside.

Clint lead Ophelia to the front door, and he lightly knocked, before opening the door and walking inside. Laura met them almost instantly, and a grin came to her face when she seen Ophelia and Greyson. Quickly coming over, she hugged Ophelia, before she took Grey's carseat from her arms and placed it on the counter.

Grey looked at the woman, but he didn't really make a noise. When she lightly tickled his foot, he moved his leg and let out a squeal. Ophelia smiled when she realized that Greyson would be fine, before she followed Clint back outside to get the pizzas and treats. She carried in the pizzas, and Clint carried in the carrier bag full of bowls of treats.

"Cooper, Lila! Dad's home! He's brought guests!" Laura called up the stairs, but she made sure not to frighten Grey.

"Daddy!" The kids yelled, but Clint shushed them a bit.

"You two need to be a little quieter, you don't wanna spook the baby." He said, as he hugged his kids.

"Baby?" Lila questioned,"Who had a baby?" Cooper added, raising an eyebrow at his father.

"Guys, this is my friend, Ophelia, she works with Daddy and Aunty Nat. The baby over there--" He pointed to the baby in Laura's arms,"is Ophelia's baby. His name's Greyson." He replied, and the kids smiled.

"Hi, Ophelia." The kids said, but Ophelia could tell they had troubles saying her name.

"You guys can call me--" She began, before Clint cut her off.

"Call her Aunty Lia, it's easier than Ophelia, and Greyson can be called Grey." He stated, and the kids nodded with smiles.

"Coop, Lila, Aunty Lia brought you guys pizza for dinner, and she made some homemade snacks for us, too." Laura said, causing the kids to run over.

The kids sat at the table, and they were soon joined by Clint, Laura, and Ophelia. Laura placed Greyson back in his carseat and set him on the table so he could see everyone else. Soon, he would be getting a bath and eventually going to bed, but Laura knew he'd want to be around everyone for a little bit. She also planned to help Ophelia in any way with Greyson if she ever needed it.

"I got your room set up already, and Cooper and I put together a crib for Greyson. I figured you guys will be here for a bit, and he'd be more comfortable in a crib instead of a playpen." Laura said, causing Ophelia to smile.

"Thank you guys, really, you didn't have to do all this. A bed a few pillows to keep him from rolling off would've been fine." Ophelia replied, but Laura shook her head.

"Nonsense, I know how it feels to sleep with a baby in the bed, and it's nerve-wracking. You're always scared you're going to accidentally squish the baby. So, I figure I wouldn't put you through that." Laura answered, shrugging her shoulders.

A couple of hours later, Laura helped Ophelia get herself and Greyson ready for bed. Clint had been very helpful, but having a woman around that had raised two babies felt better. Honestly, Ophelia felt a little weight lift off her shoulders.

"Get some rest. If you need anything, Clint and I are right across the hall." Laura said, and Ophelia smiled.

"Thank you, Laura. You really are an angel." Ophelia replied, making Laura smile as well.

"Anytime, sweetheart." She murmured, pulling the blanket up and over Ophelia's body.

Laura was being motherly towards the girl, especially after Clint told her how Ophelia's mother really treated her. She wanted the girl to feel safe and loved in her home. Ophelia wasn't an adult yet, so she deserved to feel the love of a mother. Hell, she did even when she finally became an adult, but it seemed her mother didn't care. Laura was going to make sure Ophelia felt the love she missed out on for years of her life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I'm sorry it took so long for an update, but I'm going to be working on this story now. I have some ideas in mind, so I hope you guys are ready for more updates in a few hours (hopefully) maybe in a day or two at the latest.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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