Chapter Twenty Four

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Later that same night, Clint spoke with the team, and they agreed that Ophelia needed a break after they took out Ultron. So, after their meeting with Nick Fury, Clint sent Ophelia with Bruce and Tony.

"When you get to the tower, you go to your room and relax until we need you, okay?" Clint had told her, and she had agreed.

Ophelia had left with Tony and Bruce, and the moment they got to the tower, Ophelia went to her room. She wished she could've stayed at the Barton farmhouse with Greyson, but she knew the team needed her. Soon, they would be fighting Ultron, and she needed to be there to help, and possibly to use her ability if it was needed.

A couple of hours later, Ophelia was woken up by a rather loud noise. She waited a few minutes, but when she barely heard anything, she became a little worried. So, she left her room and headed down to the area she knew Tony and Bruce were at. She was shocked to see Pietro and Wanda, as well as a red man, or android thing that she had no idea where it came from.

"What the hell is going on in here?" She asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Sorry, Lia, but we've got to go. Ultron is headed to Sokovia, and that's where he's got Nat." Clint told her, making her frown.

"Suit up, you've got three minutes to get to the jet." Steve announced, before he left to get whatever he needed.

Ophelia simply grabbed her weapons from the weapons closet, and slid them into the holsters that were on her suit. She had already been wearing her suit, since she didn't know what she, Tony, and Bruce could've potentially happened upon when going to the tower.

"Ophelia, can we talk?" Wanda asked, grabbing the blonde's attention.

"When we're on the jet." Ophelia replied, her voice holding no emotion.

Wanda and Pietro shared a look, knowing it was going to be hard to get the girl to forgive them. Once they were on the jet, Wanda and Pietro sat down on either side of Ophelia, not really giving her a way to escape them. Steve and Thor watched from their seats, knowing Ophelia could take care of herself. Clint and Bruce were in the front of the jet, and Tony was flying in his Iron Man suit.

"I'm sorry about what I showed you in your head. Please know that it was all fake, and I had to do it to keep my brother and I safe." Wanda commented, causing Ophelia to frown.

"You could've come to me, I would've found you both a safe place." Ophelia retorted, making the other girl sigh.

"I know," She murmured,"but at the time, we hated Mr. Stark and everything he stood for. He was the reason our parents were dead, or so we thought, and we believed everyone associated with him were bad, too." She said, and Ophelia simply nodded.

"We really mean it when we say we're sorry," Pietro replied,"and I don't say sorry very often." He added, making a small smile try to appear on Ophelia's face.

"If you two can prove to me that you're on our side during this fight, I will forgive you both, without any second guesses," Ophelia said,"but if you switch sides, and turn out to be a soldier of Ultron's, there won't be a place on this earth that will protect you from me." She warned, and the siblings nodded.

To be honest, Pietro didn't think Ophelia could be so scary, but hearing her say that kind of turned him on. She was scary, but in a sexy way. The moment that thought entered his mind, his sister looked at him and scowled. He had forgotten in that moment that his sister could read minds, so he blushed when he realized she had read his mind.

Soon, the jet landed in Sokovia, and the team had to start fighting. Ophelia stayed next to Clint, since she knew he was the safest person to be with. She trusted the others, but she didn't trust anyone as much as she trusted Clint. Natasha was a close second though, but she was still a hair under Clint as well.

"After this, I deserve a vacation to Hawaii." Ophelia joked, causing Clint to chuckle.

"We survive this and save a lot of people, and I'll pay for everyone to go to Hawaii." Tony replied on the comms, making her grin.

"Uncle Clint, you mess this up, and I'll kick your ass." She commented, and the older man rolled his eyes.

"Language, Lia! Cap doesn't like those words!" She heard, causing her to almost cry out in happiness, when she realized it was Natasha.

Clint and Ophelia soon met up with the team, and they scanned the area. The whole place was full of bots, and the city was being picked up. The city was flying, and Ophelia worried that she wouldn't actually make it out alive. There was a chance she could die, and she hated it.

"You've got this, Ophelia." She heard, causing her to look over, and Pietro smiled at her.

Pietro picked the girl up and ran with her to some survivors to rescue them. The building was collapsing, and the survivors were trapped in one of the rooms. Pietro used his speed and strength to break the glass to let the people out, and Ophelia used her powers to heal anyone that was injured.

A little boy walked over, one that reminded her of her son, and he had a cut on his head. Ophelia smiled down at him, and placed her hand on top of his head. Closing her eyes, she carefully healed the boy, before letting him run off with his mother to safety. Pietro and Ophelia shared a look, and Ophelia could've sworn her heart fluttered. She needed to get that under control, otherwise she would start to believe she was falling for the speedster...

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