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5 years later

Leah Dupont POV

"Mon Dieu! Just stop running around Jules" I say as I watched the kid who frantically ran up and down the stairs.

"Let him be, he is an energetic kid. You know how Charles was, he is just like his dad" Pascale says happily.

"See? I am just like Daddy and if you love Daddy you love me" He says stopping in front of me. It pained me to admit, but the child I gave birth to 3 years ago is his dad's spitting face. Only his personality is closer to mine, for what we've seen so far.

"Of course I love you baby" I say messing up his hair.

"You are looking fantastic. Your dad is going to cry" My mom says as she watched the veil being put up.

"Charles has to cry" I say laughing and I look myself in the mirror. I love this dress. I love everything about this day, Charles made sure of that.

We had Jules, our surprise baby, 3 years ago because apparently, our safety measures didn't provide us safety forever. I don't regret it but we still didn't rush into marriage, I am still in Formula 1. I came back a year after his birth and he is always with us. He is used to it by now. He is a very smart child.

Charles wanted to get married but I told him I would only do so when he got the championship. I want the trophy in our place, he needed the motivation and it worked. He got the trophy in 2026, and he proposed to me as soon as the last race on the calendar ended, I was definitely not expecting it so I have a lot of photos of me crying.

It is now 2028, he has the second championship and we are getting married! I am also pregnant with our second child. He renewed the contract with Ferrari so that is another good thing, I think.

"Oh, no. The tears were immediate, I am sorry. I am happy darling" I hear my dad say, I didn't even hear him coming in.

"I know you are happy. I want to see you all crying when I go down that aisle or I am leaving" I say making them laugh and he hugs me.

"It's time for the little one to go back to his dad. He just wanted to see you and he ran here like his life depended on it" My dad says and Jules runs to his side.

"I love you, you are a princess. Daddy is going to love it mummy" He says extending his arms for a hug and I hug him tightly.

"I love you too. Daddy will adore it. I will see you in a bit" I say and he leaves with my dad.

Dad would walk me down the aisle. We are marrying in Monaco, it's a fancy wedding. A lot of celebrities will be present. A lot of F1 drivers, new and old ones. I was excited and I was one to never want a big wedding but the fact is we know every single person we invited and we wanted them there.

I am now sitting in a Ferrari, a classic one, the 250 GT California, a beautiful car and expensive as hell. Too expensive for my taste but Charles wanted it and that man can have whatever he wanted.

I held my dad's arm like my life depended on it because it kind of did. If I fell my dignity would be immediately gone. My eyes focused on Charles who was given a tissue by Pierre and I smiled, he is crying and now I am getting teary-eyed.

"You are the most beautiful woman on earth" He whisper when I get to his side and I hold his hand.

"You are pretty handsome yourself" I say smiling at him and the ceremony starts.

It was beautiful and I cried, a lot of people did. I felt Charles's fingers carefully putting my wedding ring and then I did the same. I looked at him and smile. Ladies and gentlemen, this fine man is now my husband.

"I love you so much" Charles says before kissing me as everyone cheered and clapped.

I stepped back and smiled as he held my hand. He picked up Jules in his arms and we walked out happily as flower petals were being thrown at us as soon as we stepped outside. It wasn't a waste because I made sure to use every petal of the flowers Charles' gave me until today.

We took all the photos in the wedding dress and I went to change into a lighter dress for the reception. I see Charles just watching me as he only took his tie and coat off which made him look hot with only the shirt and the pants on.

"I can't believe how lucky I got" He says hugging me.

"We had our bad luck and now we are living the good part" I say hugging him back.

"I was scared you were going to just get up and leave. Arthur filmed me and everything. I think I am going to be humiliated. They have been filming us a lot lately" He says laughing as we prepared to enter our reception.

He was right. They had a lot of videos since we were babies until today. It was very embarrassing but the most endearing thing our families could've done. Hervé and Jules appeared in some of the videos. I also saw one of Anthoine teasing Charles saying if he didn't ask me out he would. They edited the video of Charles crying pretty fast.

"You have been together for a loooong time" Jules says while sitting on my lap.

"That is true baby. Mom and dad have loved each other for a long time. 20 years and it's still going" Charles says happily.

"You have to do it for 60 more years until you are more old" He says making us both laugh.

"We will do that for eternity" I say kissing his cheek making him giggle.

"Will you love me for eternity too?" He asks with his eyes shining.

"We will love you for eternity even if you are behaving badly" Charles says kissing his other cheek and he smiles clearly tired.

"I love you too" He says laying his head on my chest and quickly falling asleep. Loud noises never bothered him, he fell asleep during Charles' podiums. How is that possible? I don't know.

I looked at my husband and he smiled. We laid Jules in a couch right by my parents' side and went to dance. That day I promised to love him forever, as I haven't been doing that since the day I was born. He is the only man I've ever loved, there is no doubt in my mind that it will never change. I don't care if he loved another woman, he only has eyes for me now so I am glad with that.

"Can I tell you both something?" Pascale asks us as we preparing to leave for the honeymoon, two weeks out of Monaco and they would keep Jules. A dream.

"Of course" I say curiously.

"The doctors never called the guys. I told them to call you directly. I knew you would come back and that once you were home you weren't going to leave" She says and I am now in shock and Charles is laughing.

"That is why when I turned on the phone no call from the hospital were found. You set her up" Charles says amused by his mother's plot.

"It worked, didn't it? You can thank me later" She says kissing my cheek.

"That was smart. I can't blame you now" I say finally laughing. I can't believe I was played.

"I will see you in two weeks. Don't use protection" She says before entering the car while my parents waited and they waved goodbye as they left.

"I love you. I am glad she did it, I wouldn't have had no way to bring you back" He says while we walked to the Ferrari.

"I am glad too. She made all of this possible" I say as he opened the door and I get in.

I watch as Charles drives. He always looked good but he looks better as my husband. This is our happy ever after, the one I thought we would never have.


Hello there!

It has finally come to an end this story, I am very pleased with how it went and I sure hope you are too. I loved the experience and I loved every single person who read it and supported it.

I will hopefully see you in another of the stories going on.

Love you all and I hope you have a good week loves!

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