Should've Stayed Dead

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There wasn't any way, right?


Inuyasha was absolutely positive that the man standing in front of him was exactly who he thought it was. After all, scents didn't lie, though one could ignore them if they so wished. Like Koga did with Kagome. Or hell, even what Inuyasha himself used to do constantly. But after being beaten into the ground time and time again by Sesshomaru- the hanyo shaped up.

Which is why Inuyasha knew who this male was.

He came from the middle of nowhere, appearing in front of Inuyasha and Miroku in a ball of light just as Sesshomaru often travels when he needs to move quickly. Tanned skin, with two navy blue lightning bolt markings on the cheeks. And then there was the unmistakable molten amber eyes and long, regal silver hair. A wide grin was on the male's face as he looked at Inuyasha, not paying any mind to the hanyo's companion.

Yes, Inuyasha knew who this was, and he wasn't the least bit happy about it.

The hanyo's eyes narrowed, "What the fuck do you want, old man? Shouldn't you be, I don't know- shacking up with my mother in the netherworld or some shit?"

The great Inu no Taisho raised an eyebrow, "Oh? You don't sound too happy to see me, pup."

Inuyasha merely scoffed, while Miroku eyed the male for a cautious, curious second. But then the monk's face lit up in a grin, "You must be Inuyasha's father!"

The formerly dead male chuckled, "Yes, I am he. But please call me Toga."

"Alright then, Toga-sama... If I may ask, how is it you are here? I know Sesshomaru-sama would never reanimate you with Tenseiga."

Toga's eyes narrowed, what did that mean? Was his eldest going to be displeased with seeing his sire? Yet he merely hummed at the monk's question, "Yes, normally Tenseiga or something equivalent would be required. I stumbled upon the latter. I met a Dark Miko in my time whom I befriended. She was able to cast a spell that would bring me back to life slowly if I was ever at the brink of death."

A low chuckle rumbles through Toga's chest, "Though I never imagined it would take me 200 years to return to life."

"Feh," Inuyasha scoffed and turned away. "You've got some shitty ass timing then." Angry yellowish golden eyes return to level his father with a glare. "Where the hell were you when we needed you?!! When Naraku was gonna destroy everything and everyone?!!! Or when my mother was being beaten to death by the villagers?!!!

"No, you just gotta pick now, huh? When everyone's at peace and happy, you stumble back in when nobody even misses you pathetic ass."

Toga, to his credit, was taken aback by his youngest statement. With wide eyes, the inu shook himself out of his shocked state. "Inuyasha, I never intended for you to grow up without your father. I wished to raise you with Izoyai, but as you know, things rarely go as planned."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, "You think that's what this is about? You son of a bi-"

"What's going on here?"

The words froze on Inuyasha's tongue, everyone turning their heads towards the source. Standing there with all her five-feet-three-inches of height, was the Shikon no Miko Kagome. Her cerulean blue eyes shone like sapphires, long dark lashes framing them, porcelain skin, luscious pink lips, and curvaceous body making her even more attractive.

She wore a white kimono with a certain red-cresting pattern across it, a bright blue obi around her waist, and on her hip was a toddler no older than the age of two. The babe had a shock of silver hair, amber eyes with a thin ring of cerulean blue on the edge of the irises, and he was giving Toga a look as if he despised his very presence.

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