Lucy looks at him, a mixture of fear and hopefulness churning in her stomach. "And..?"

Tim sighs, "He believes that nothing happened between us when I was your T.O. I told him it was still really early — that we're figuring things out — but that neither of us wanted to risk any professional conflicts, given... well.. everything."

Lucy nods.

"And he's concerned. Not about any actual conflicts of interest, but about the perception. About what it's going to look like to people that don't know us..."

Her stomach sinks, something thick and heavy clawing into her throat at the idea that this thing with Tim — that is so new and exciting and more incredible than she could have imagined — might be ripped away from her before it truly even begins.

"What does that mean?"

Tim shakes his head, "I don't know yet. He wants to think about the best course of action before we formally disclose anything. He wants to make sure we've thought it through as well." He watches Lucy closely for a moment before continuing, as if expecting for her to leap off of the counter and declare that this shit is bananas. "He suggested that we keep things under wraps for a bit; at least let some more time pass for the sake of appearances. He can control our assignments in the meantime to avoid any conflict."

Lucy nods again, "I guess that's probably the best outcome we could hope for at this point." And then she frowns, "I just — I guess I didn't realize that we wouldn't be riding together anymore."

"That's probably for the best. For now, anyway. But," Tim smiles roguishly as he moves to kiss her neck, "that just means we'll have to find some other way to make up for all of that lost time together. What do you think we should do?"

"Mmmm... I really... have... no... idea," Lucy moans as she lets her head fall back to allow him greater access to her. And it's then that the niggling thought that she needs to tell him something floats into her brain from some horrible, reality-loving, pleasure-hating place.

She raises her hands to his chest to attempt to push him back slightly as his lips and his fingers have both progressed lower, fingers adeptly unbuttoning her blouse as his mouth explores her ever-receding neckline.  "Oh my god. Tim. I have to tell you... something... Wait."

He pulls back abruptly at the 'wait', and she can't help but smile at how he manages to be so effortlessly chivalrous and self-assured at the same time. Her smile fades though as her eyes meet his, "I got another note."

His face changes immediately, and he straightens. Lucy instantly feels the loss of his warmth as he takes a step back from her, "Today? After Jayce was arrested?"

Lucy nods, already wishing she'd just held off on telling him so that they could simply enjoy their night together, before shaking her head. "Well. I don't actually know. It was on my car. So I don't know when it was left. And I guess... it doesn't make sense that Jayce would be the one sending these. He didn't even know I was a cop until yesterday."

His frown deepens, "What did it say?"

Lucy reaches over to retrieve the latest plastic bag enclosed note from where she had deposited it on the island.

Tim studies both slips of paper before turning his attention back to Lucy. "Have you looked up this article? There are cameras in the garage. They may have caught whoever left this. We should —"

Lucy reaches out to grab his forearm, pulling him back to her before lifting a hand to his face. "I think those are great ideas. But can we just ... deal with it tomorrow?"

Tim begins to shake his head, "Lucy —"

"Look. Hear me out. So yes, maybe these notes aren't linked to Tamara like we thought, and the timing really was just a coincidence. But isn't that a good thing? These weren't sent by the same person that shot Tamara in cold blood. They were sent by a person that has done nothing other than send a few anonymous, vaguely threatening at best, notes."

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