02- Coffee Jelly

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"This" is normal speaking
"This" is kusuo using telepathy to speak
"This" are thoughts
<This> it's me, the author speaking

You were on Kusuo's house, his parents weren't home like always when you came to visit, his dad was at work and his mom went to buy groceries. Leaving you two alone on the empty house, normally people would assume that two teenagers alone in a house would mean that they would be doing that specially when they are a couple.

But this is you and Kusuo we are talking about, the two of you were doing what you would normally do when alone.

Kusuo waiting like an excited puppy while you prepare your homemade coffee jelly. It was true that you were a horrible cook, but an incredible baker, you got your priorities. If it came to use the stove, then run out of the house because it will explode. Sometimes you ask yourself if Kusuo fell for you because of your sweet baking skills, but that's a question that will go forever unanswered.

"Is it ready yet?" He asked, even though he knows it's not done yet, he just loves his partner's coffee jelly too much, to the point that he becomes inpatient every time they are making it. "Ku-chin you asked that two seconds ago and the answer it's still the same, don't worry you'll have it just wait one more minute." With a small laugh you told him as he looked at you, his intense stare inpatient.

You began humming your favorite song. <Personally, Binks Sake hits the feels> As you finished baking, you placed the cup of coffee jelly in front of your inpatient boyfriend, whose eyes shinned like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Itadakimasu." He said before he began to peacefully eat, a look of enjoyment, plastered on his face, he really loved your coffee jelly.

[Chapter End]

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