Comfort and compassion

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AN: I'm shit at starting a book off, so this one is begging right when shit hits the fan. Or, in other words, when things get interesting. This book is definitely NOT a slow burn. I hope you enjoy it! <3

Through the halls of stolas' goeitic palace, his crys could be heard echoing through the corridor. Blitzo almost immediately heard the distress of the prince and came running through the halls to his aid.


He came to his side and looked upon him with immense worry.

"Stolas, what's wrong?!"


He looks down to him, his eyes filled with tears.

"Blitzo... I-I..."

His voice cracks under the weight of the events that have transpired in his life.

"I have..."

There is a long pause where he takes a deep breath, and tears stream down his cheeks.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore!"

The secret was out. He had said it. Instant regret hit the face of the prince.

Blitzo's eyes widen in shock. He had never expected the prince to be feeling suicidal. Stolas was always so happy and bubbly around him.

"My sweet prince..."

He took his hand as he climbed onto the bed beside him.

"If you need to talk, I am right beside you. Hell, if you even just need a shoulder to cry on, I'm available for you. I will always take your side, no matter what."

Stolas hugs Blitzo tightly and buries his face into his chest. he sobs deeply, letting out all of his sorrow that he had been hiding from him all of this time.

His heart sunk in his chest. The heart shattering sobs coming from stolas made him weak. Blitzo began to rub up and down his back. He knew that stolas was going through so much, enough to make him suicidal.

"I'm here... I've got you... take your time. I am not going anywhere."

Stolas clings onto him, holding him tightly, tears pouring down his face. He lets out such a loud, heartbreaking sob that he shakes with it.


He tries to speak but is unable to, his voice breaking as it fails to form the words to explain to him what he's been going through for so long.

A light sigh came from Blitzo, knowing that it would take quite some time for stolas to calm down enough for him to talk. All he wanted I'm the moment was to know what was troubling him so deeply and what it was he could do to make him feel better. To provide some Solice in this dark time.

"Stolas, I need you to breathe for me. Okay? Can you do that for me?"

Blitzo attempted to calm him some. He didn't want him to end up hyperventilating from the sheer force he was crying in.

Stolas tries, though his thoughts and feelings overwhelm him. He feels so lost, so broken, so alone. He continues to cry, though he manages to do so more quietly as he holds onto Blitzo and lets himself be held by him. As he listens to Blitzo's voice, he feels reassured, but he's not sure he'll ever get out of these dark times, but what matters is he has someone to be there for him.

"I'm going to do it with you. Okay?"

He took a breath in through his nose.

"In for four."

A B̶r̶o̶k̶e̶n̶ princeWhere stories live. Discover now