Chapter 10: Her Queen

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"Hey, Onee-chan..." Angel's voice softened, laced with concern, as they walked through the school halls. "I'm worried about Honda-san."

Yume chuckled at her sister's constant worry. "You're always worried about her!"

"I-I know, but this Starry girl... I don't think we can trust her," Angel expressed, her tone tinged with alarm.

"What makes you say that?" Yume turned her head to look at her sister.

"Well, she just appeared out of nowhere. She's not popular, and she doesn't belong to a group with a known rank... I don't think anyone has actually heard of her before."

"Maybe she just doesn't have many friends!" Yume chuckled again, attempting to lighten the mood. But Angel's worries remained steadfast. Ever since being in Hitomi Honda's presence, her primary goal had become protecting her.

"I don't trust her either," a familiar voice chimed in from behind them, causing the sisters to flinch.

"Have you been following us this whole time?" Angel turned to face Miyabe.

"What? No! My classroom is just in the same direction!" Miyabe defended herself.

"Anyway, I think we should do something to protect Honda-san from her," Miyabe pondered, joining the two sisters as they continued walking.

"If you guys are so skeptical of Starry, why don't you check the student records? There's a computer in the library, if it's still in good shape," Yume suggested, prompting both Miyabe and Angel to stop in their tracks.

"The library still exists?" Miyabe questioned in surprise.

"Some yankees are still bookworms, I guess," Angel remarked.

The three of them set out to gather more information about Starry. They went from classroom to classroom, asking fellow students if they knew the mysterious girl. However, no one seemed to recognize her, and they only had Hitomi's vivid description to rely on.

"Short girl, black hair, wears a black face mask, and has white skin..." Angel listed the details they had gathered, "Oh, and she throws daggers around." The student they questioned looked perplexed and shook their head in response.

"Nah, don't know her," the student replied before leaving. The three girls watched them walk away with disappointment.

"Well, at least she was the nicest one we've interviewed so far!" Yume chuckled nervously, noticing the bandage on her cheek that she had acquired after asking various gangs around the school about Starry.

"D...Did you say daggers?" A girl approached them with her gang, their bodies covered in bandages and bruises.

"Yes! Have you seen someone who-" Angel began to ask, but the girl interrupted with a fearful expression.

"She just appeared out of nowhere... Threw a dagger into my boot, and the rest was just...bloody," the girl recounted, her voice filled with fear. Her gang members nodded in agreement, sharing the same fearful sentiment.

"Do you know her? What class is she from?" Miyabe inquired.

"We've only encountered her once, and it was outside of Majijo," another delinquent from the gang added.

The three girls exchanged glances, and it was clear they needed to gather more information in the library.

With renewed determination, they made their way to the library, eager to uncover the truth about Starry and her mysterious background.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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